Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Happy Tuesday all!!  I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday week-end.  It was a good start to the week-end weather wise but, on Monday the weather didn't cooperate with us that well.  It was okay though because we still went on with our plans, come rain or shine.  Everything went great until I served my raw burgers....YUCK!  I thought they were done but....Not!   I guess I need to hone in on my grilling a little well alot more!  Everyone was polite about it and I just started re-cooking.  In the end we had a great time.  Thanks to all who were here! 

So, today is TEMPTATION TUESDAY again.  What's the recipe  going to be for today, hmmmm!  Well I decided on one that I had found in a Rachel Ray magazine last summer I believe.    (This recipe has been modified to what I like and is not the exact recipe that was in the magazine). It is scrumptious and easy to make on the nights when it gets hotter out and you don't want to eat anything too heavy and you definitely don't want to spend the evening baking.  The recipe for today is:


1 store bought pizza dough ball
3/4 c grape tomatoes, halved
1 red onion, thinly sliced------I have used scallions chopped instead, they work great too
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 tbsp in the terms of Rachel Ray E V O O  (extra virgin olive oil)
salt and pepper
1 c feta cheese (I used the one with sun dried tomato and basil-----delicious)
1 c shredded swiss cheese
1 bag romaine lettuce
1 # bacon, cooked and broken in pieces

Prepare dough as the pkg directs you to.  Drizzle dough with 1 tbsp olive oil.  During the last 5 minutes of dough baking cover it with the swiss cheese and feta cheese. 

In a large bowl, toss together tomatoes, onions, garlic, and 1 tbsp of olive oil.  Season with salt and pepper.  Add romaine to mix and toss to dress.

Top the pizza with the tomato mix, then top with the bacon.

Enjoy!!!  This is a delicious fix and a new twist on two old favorites.  We love this pizza.  I think it's because of all the bacon.  If I recall in the original recipe there was only supposed to be like 4 pieces!  Lol!   We like bacon!  You can use whatever amount suits you and your family.  Just give it a try it's truly a yummy supper.

I hope that you all enjoy the recipe and try to enjoy the rest of your day.  I hope to be back tomorrow and show you some progress on my needle punch.  It is the funnest.  Seriously, if you have never tried it and you love the look of rug hooking but, that is kind of pricey.  Try needle punch.  I'll chat more on it tomorrow.

Warm primitive blessings to you all.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Well good morning everyone!Not a very bright start to the day but, the temperature is still great.  I'll take it.  The post for today will be a short one due to appointments.  So, I should just get going on it.

Today's recipe is a newer one that my mom had come across about a year or so ago.  I am not sure where she got it from but, she has made it and so have I and it is delicious.  This is another quick and easy one.  This would be great for a graduation party, summer outing, a church dinner or just for dessert for your family.  I hope that you make one up soon and enjoy it as much as we have.


1 8oz pkg cream cheese, softened
3 c cold milk
2 3.4oz pkgs instant vanilla pudding
1 32oz container cool whip
48 Nilla wafers
1/2 c brewed coffee, cooled (we use a little more than what it calls for)
2 squares semi sweet chocolate, grated
1 tbsp cocoa

Beat cream cheese until creamy.  Gradually add milk and pudding mix.  Stir in 2 cups cool whip.  Line a 2 1/2qt bowl with 24 wafers.  Drizzle wafers with 1/4c coffee (we use a little more than 1/4 c).  Top wafers with half of the pudding mix and half of the grated chocolate.  Repeat layers.  Top with cool whip and sift the cocoa over the top.

This looks really nice when it is done and the taste.......well, see for yourself.  I think that you'll agree it's delicious. 

I hope that you all have a nice day and enjoy it.

Warm primitive blessings to you all.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Happy Temptation Tuesday everyone!  I was undecided as to which recipe I was going to use today but I think that the one that I have chosen will be quite enjoyable for you all!  The last recipe was a sweet so I thought that this one should not!  I know, I know that is no fun but, let me tell you, this one is yummy!  What am I talking about?  They all are! 

Before I post the recipe I just wanted to let you know that I am going to try to do needle punch.  Very scary.   I have never done that and the only thing that I have seen is a couple of short little tutorials on you tube.  So, my big plan for the next few days is to attack my little kit.  Wish me lots of luck because I know I am going to need it.  First off, apparently there is not much of a demand for this stuff in my area.  After looking around, in one fabric shop they said they had a small selection.  I was so excited!  They offered two types of needle kits.  And, they had three (yes, I said THREE), needle punch kits.  One of them was a leaf, one was a vase with some flowers, and the other which I purchased was a rooster. The woman that was working said we don't have a lot but there are a few pieces.  Well, she had just enough for a beginner like me.  So, here's a picture of my rooster package....waiting to be opened.... waiting to be attempted....... waiting for me.   Yeah, now you get the picture.  I am going to do this and I promise you that I will show it to you no matter what the outcome.  Just please understand never done this before and this should be very interesting to say the least.  Here it is:   
For not having a huge selection I thought that this was perfect and prim looking.  I did not realize that the finished size of this little project was going to be so small.  It is only 3 3/8 x 3 3/8.  Not that I wanted a huge one.  This one will probably be more than I can handle.  I really hope that I like to do this though.  The blogs that I have read and other comments from crafters have said that it is very relaxing and enjoyable.  Those qualities sound very inviting to me.  For those of you out there that have not tried this yet but have wanted to.  I would encourage you to try it as well.  We can learn it together. 

Now for the recipe.  For today I decided I would put a recipe for fish.  I hate the taste of fish but my mom gave me this recipe for haddock and it is the only way that I will eat fish.  So, if you are a picky eater and not big on fish maybe you should give this one a try too.  For those of you who love fish I think that you will enjoy this one.  This is another quick fix meal.  There are only a few ingredients and you pop it in the oven 30 mins later it's on the table.  Yummy!


2 haddock fillets
stuffing mix, prepared
bay seasoning
salt and pepper

Spray a 13x9 pan with non stick spray.  Lay down your haddock fillets on the bottom of the pan.  Sprinkle each with salt and pepper.  I have just found bay seasoning and I love it.  I sprinkle that all over the fish.  If you are not familiar with the seasoning and you put it on heavily, your food will be a little hot (spicy).  I learned that one the hard way.  ( I am the type that if I like something, well then I should pour it on, not sprinkle......that's how the whole family learned. LOL)!!!!!  After you have seasoned  your fish you cover it with mayonnaise.  At first I thought this was disgusting too!  It's not though.  It is what helps keep the fish moist and gives it a great flavor.  I use the olive oil mayonnaise and it works fine.  You need to put the mayo all over the top of the fish.  If you haven't prepared your box of stuffing mix you need to do that now.  I usually start that before I prepare the fish, and I cook it in the microwave so that it saves time.  When the stuffing is ready, I plop it onto the fillets and try to spread it around as evenly as I can.  Put it in the oven on 350 and bake it for 30 mins.  It comes out perfect every time.  It really is simple, delicious and quick.  Those all work well for me and I hope that you try it and love it too! 

Warm primitive blessings to you all.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Good morning everyone.  Guess what?  Yep, you're right.  It's TEMPTATION TUESDAY again.  Today's recipe is going to be a sweet one.  I can hear all the cheers now! LOL!  Well it kind of has to be a sweet one today because:  1.) last weeks recipe was soup and 2.) today's my birthday!!!!  WOOHOO!
Yeah, so I couldn't put something that didn't scream deliciously, sweet, yumminess all over it on here.  Could I?  I didn't think so.  Anyway, cause for such celebration requires something like:


2 c flour
1 c butter, melted
1 c chopped nuts

Mix; put in bottom of 9X13 pan and bake at 350 for 20 mins.  Cool.

1 pkg 8oz cream cheese, softened
1 c cool whip
1 c powdered sugar

Mix well; spread over the first layer.

2 sm pkgs lemon instant pudding
3 c cold milk

Beat until thick.  Spread over the second layer.  Spread the remaining cool whip from container over the top.  Top with more chopped nuts.  Refrigerate. 

Sooooo delicious! 

Hint:  You can use any flavor pudding that you like.  The lemon feels springy to me right now and so that is what sounds the best today.  Ask me tomorrow and it could be....pistachio, chocolate, butterscotch, the list goes on. LOL!

I hope that you all give this a try.  You know me, quick and easy, that's the best way to have recipes and crafts.  This is so yummy.  I can't wait to go make one up myself. 

Have a great day.  I know that I will because.....It's my birthday!  Why hate them?  Be thankful for each one that comes around and you are alive to celebrate!  That's just what I am going to do. 

Warm and primitive blessings to you all.


Monday, May 7, 2012

Link to a Freebie Mother's Day X-Stitch

Good morning everyone.  I know, I said that I wouldn't be back until Tuesday but, I found a cross stitch pattern and it's a freebie for Mother's Day.  I wanted to give you all enough time to do it up for your moms.  Anyway the link to it is here:  http://thelittlestitcher.blogspot.com/   She has some really neat cross stitches.  I love this one here though for my mum.  The word mum is spelled with a u.  If you want to change it to an o that would be simple enough to do.  I am leaving mine the way it is.  I am planning on putting my mum's in a frame for her.  I can't wait.  If I had more time I would snap a blurry picture for ya but I have to leave now.  I will post a photo of mine for ya on Tuesday.

I hope that you all have a wonderful day. 

Warm and primitive blessings to you all.


Sunday, May 6, 2012


Hello everyone.  Sorry I have been gone for almost a week.  It seems like it's been even longer than that.  Good news though.........I'm baaaack!  That was the only warning that you're going to get.LOL!  So, the weather here today was way better than it has been.  It wasn't exactly warm but, the sun was out!!!  Hooray!!!!  That just makes all the difference in the world. 

Anyways, today er... tonight, I have a project for ya.  This is just something small that I came up with.  I hope that you like it.  I think that these little beauties came out primtastic.  Okay, so I have looked in some of my junkin' shops for old soaps and toiletries to try and decorate in my bathrooms.  I haven't been very successful and when I do find something it's usually more than I want to pay.  I am a tightwad.  And not ashamed to admit it.  Well a little while ago I started saving my empty boxes from my bar soaps. 
My pictures are all blurry tonight.  You get the idea though, right?!  So, I figured why couldn't I make my own little vintage soap boxes.  Come to find out, I can!  Ya Hoooooo!  The best part is, it only took the stuff that I already had around the house.  Not to mention this little project literally took just minutes to do.  All you need is: 

empty bar soap box(es)
paper bag  (you can use Kraft paper instead)
mod podge (best stuff ever created for crafters....in my opinion)
printer to print out vintage labels

I know that's a heavy duty project list.  Seriously that's it!   Probably someone has done something like this somewhere else but, I haven't come across it.......yet!  I needed a quick project to put on here and I didn't have time to look for something and make it.  That's what gave my old boxes new life. 

The first thing that you do is obviously mod podge the end of your box shut.  Next you cut your paper bag and wrap your box like it is a present, with the paper bag.  Then you seal it with the mod podge.  Seal the ends of it as well.  When you are done it should look like this:
That was difficult right?  I know!  Now once that you are at this step you need to find yourself a vintage soap advertisement or any toiletry advertisement.  I found mine at:  http://graphicsfairy.blogspot.com/  When I went on there I just typed in to search:  vintage soap advertisements.  They had quite a few, alot of soaps from Paris.  These two that I used were Pears Soap.  I loved the looks of these.  I was also trying to hurry so these were the only two that I selected for tonight.  There are many graphic sites out there.  I am sure you can find tons of others.  These are also free graphics, which helps to make this project even better!  When you select your graphic, I printed mine out as wallet and they fit almost perfectly.  One of them was missing a little of the top of the ad but I just tore around the outside edges all they way around it.  It made it look like that's the way I got it.  Once you print out the graphic, trim it to size or tear the edges to make them rough.  Then you can mod podge the top of the face of your box and lay your label on carefully.  Once it is on and dried apply another coat of your mod podge over the top of your advertisement to help seal it.  It should look like these:
I told you that my pictures came out real blurry tonight.  Sorry about that.  Don't you love it though?

I tried to get a close-up so that you could see what the advertisement said.  I guess you are just gonna have to go and make some for yourself in order to find out.  I really tried.
This is another great photo by moi!  I wanted you to see both of the advertisements.  This one was also by Pears Soap.  I loved that they both were by Pears. 
Again, I tried to get a close up picture for ya.  That didn't work so well either.
This picture shows them a little bit better, not much.  I wanted to show them together so you could see how neat they are as a set.  I cannot wait to put them in my bathrooms.  I need to search out more advertisements so that I can have a variety.  These would be neat to give as a gift to a prim friend as well.  They are so inexpensive and not time-consuming at all, you could make them up for all your friends. 
And, I tried to get one last photo for ya.  Maybe they came out this way because I took them at night.  I don't know.  I am definitely NOT mechanically inclined. 

Well, I hope that you all enjoyed this little goodie.  I had fun making them.  Like I said, they were quick, easy and cheap.  And look at the reward after you're done!!!  I love them and I hope that you all do too. 

If anyone finds any neat advertisements I would love to hear from ya and be able to link everyone else to them as well. 

I hope that you all have an awesome evening.  I won't be on tomorrow.  I will be gone most of the day but, I will definitely be back on...........TEMPTATION TUESDAY!  Not sure what it's going to be yet.  Probably a sweet for this week.  But, you never can be too sure so make sure to check back and see. 

I also am dedicating this blog to a certain little someone who said she had been checking my blog and I hadn't been on and I needed to.  She has been waiting for me to put something new on and I hadn't.  So, Miss Samantha..........this one's for you.  Love ya girl!!!

Warm primitive blessings to you all.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Hello everyone.  Welcome May 1st and hopefully better weather on the way.  Yes, another rainy, dreary day here.  They said that we needed the rain.......I am just not sure exactly how much rain we needed!  It seems like it just doesn't want to stop.  And after the downpours that we got last week, I think that we have had enough.  Yeah, like I have any say in what Mother Nature has planned for us.  LOL!

Well it is that time of the week again and I almost forgot.  I know, I know.....shame on me.  It has just been kind of crazy here.  Same as for everyone else, I know.  Anyway, I did remember.  So, the recipe for today I thought might be nice for a soup.  Where it is cold and damp outside a nice soup to warm everyone up would be good.  Especially for the ones that work outside all day in the rain like my hubby does.  Sometimes in this weather he comes home just chilled through and can't warm up.  There's nothing like a hot bowl of soup and some warm bread to do the job.  So, I know that there are probably many versions of this soup but, my mom is a great cook and always has been.  She would just go to the cupboard and throw stuff in a pot or casserole and make or supper.  She has always had a knack for doing that.  There usually aren't alot of measurements, it's more like dump some of this in and add a little of that.  The meals were always amazing.  I can appreciate them more now as an adult.  Where as a kid I was a picky eater.  I drove my mother crazy..........Sorry Mom!!  I eat well now...unfortunately!LOL!  So, in the end I have learned that you can create anything you want out of anything you have.  It's kind of like everything primitive that you repurpose.  You kind of have to think outside of the box and just work with what you have.  You can create some amazing meals just trying to play around with what you have. 

Anyway, the recipe for today is:


1 pkg onion soup mix
2-3 cans of stewed tomatoes
2-3 c water
4 beef bouillon cubes
1 lb hamburg
1 lg onion, chopped
1 can manwich sauce
4 carrots, sliced
1/2-1 cup of noodles (use any that you have on hand, I have used just about all of them, even spaghetti noodles snapped into inch long pieces works)

I have also added a bag of fresh spinach to this,summer squash and zucchini, mushrooms,  put anything that you like in it.  This is a very versatile soup.  Make it your own.  You can add more or less of the ingredients above too.  I usually add more onions (I love onions) and add some garlic too!  With the hamburg, I form it into little balls and just drop them in and let them cook a while.

This is the hard part:  put it all in a kettle; except for the noodles,  and let it cook all day on low or for a few hours till the hamburg is done.  About 1/2 hour before serving drop in the noodles and let them cook. 

When it is done sometimes I serve with a dollop of sour cream or a sprinkle of shredded cheese.  This is delicious with a light salad and some biscuits or bread. 

I hope that you all try this and enjoy it.  I think I need to go start making mine now.  I would love to hear how you made yours and what you thought of the recipe. 

Maybe tomorrow I will have some photos of projects or project done.....not sure at this point. 

Warm primitive blessings to you all.
