Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Good morning everyone.  The first thing that I want  to say is my thoughts and prayers are and have been with those devastated by the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings.  I have cried I think every day.  It seems that you just start to think that you can move on and then there is another picture or story of the heroes or the innocent children.  It is very hard to bear, let alone try to understand.  I truly do pray that we as a country NEVER have to see or endure such a tragedy like this again.  I know that this is not very realistic but, I surely can hope for it!  I remember growing up and never even having our house doors locked at night.  My mom would leave her purse right out in the unlocked car in our front yard.  Those days are gone and far worse ones are here.  It is sad that our amazing country doesn't feel quite so amazing at this moment.  But, we do have to try and move forward and make things better for the children of our future.  I pray that as a nation, we can and will do that! 

Now, on a much lighter note, I need to get going with Temptation Tuesday!

 Yes, I do realize that once again,  I am late as usual.  I am a procrastinator through and through.  In my defense though it is a hectic time of year and add to that appointments and I very much tend to put things off for a bit.  That is.... until I am reminded that I need to post!  Thanks Samantha! ;PPPPPP  Well, I trust that you are all extremely busy right now as well so I won't drag out today's post.

I thought that maybe some candies would be the right thing to put on for today, so here goes;


1 lb white chocolate  (I use Bakers white chocolate and Nestle)
1/2 c peanut butter (I prefer the creamy but the original recipe calls for crunchy, you decide)
6 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips  

Melt white chocolate in microwave about 5-8 mins; stirring about once per minute.  It might take less time in your microwave.  Stir in peanut butter, quickly spread mixture on wax paper coated cookie sheet.  In a separate bowl, melt chocolate chips, about 2-4 mins.  Drizzle over the peanut butter layer and swirl it in using a knife to make the swirls.  Refrigerate until firm, then break into pieces.  Makes about 1 1/2 lbs of yummy delicious candy.  Looks great as a gift in a tin.  Very pretty but the best part is... very tasty!


1 lb white baking pieces
1/3 c finely chopped crushed peppermint candy
2 tbsp coarsely chopped peppermint candy

Line a cookie sheet with foil.  Heat baking pieces over low heat, stirring constantly, until melted and smooth.  Remove from heat and stir in the 1/3 c crushed candy.  Pour the mixture onto the baking sheet, spreading around to make a thin layer.  Sprinkle with remaining 2 tbsp of candy and chill for about 30 mins or so.  Remove from refrigerator and pull out foil.  Break candy into pieces and store in an airtight container.  YUMMY!!!!


1 c chopped pecans
1 can 14oz sweetened condensed milk
1 teas cinnamon
1 teas vanilla
3 c choc chips
2 tbsp strong brewed coffee at room temperature
1/8 teas salt

Line an 8" square pan with foil, and butter the foil; set aside.  Place pecans in a microwave safe pie plate.  Microwave on high for 4 mins., stirring after each minute; set aside.  In a bowl, combine chips, milk, coffee, cinnamon, and salt.  Microwave for 1 1/2 mins.  Stir until smooth.  Stir in vanilla and pecans.  Immediately spread into the prepared pan.  Cover and refrigerate until firm.  DELICIOUS!!!!

So, there you have it.  I hope that these recipes will help you get through your Christmas with a few small but easy to do recipes that make great gifts.  As well as munchies just to have on hand for all of your company!  Enjoy!

I hope that you all have a wonderful day. And I hope that the healing process has started for all of those affected by the horrific shootings! 

Warm and primitive blessings to you all!


Thursday, December 13, 2012


Good morning everyone!  The sun is shining here brightly but, colder than cold out!  Love the sun though.  I am so sorry for not getting this post out to you all sooner.  It has been a crazy week, as usual!  And I am just plain....... slow!  So sorry again! :(  Anyway, I do have the recipe that I hope you are all anxiously awaiting...... The Gingerbread!  This is the one thing that I am awaiting most on Christmas day.  There is just something about this recipe that tastes like Christmas should, if that is possible.  I know, I am a little strange today but, it really does make me think of an Christmas's ago!  It is probably just me.  That seems to be the usual for me...... strange!  Okay, let's get to the recipe.


1 egg
1/2 c sugar
1 c molasses
1/2 c oil
                          mix these first four ingredients together in a separate bowl

2 c flour
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
2 tsp cloves
                        mix these six ingredients in another separate bowl

1 c boiling water

Mix the first mixture into the second mixture and add water.  Mix well.  Pour into a greased 9X13 pan.  Bake on 350* for 35 mins.


1 container heavy cream
1/2 c confectioners sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Whip the cream until it starts to stiffen.  Add the sugar and vanilla and continue whipping until peaks form. 

This recipe is so simple and delicious.  I hope that it starts to become a favorite traditional dessert in your families as it has in ours. 

I hope that you are all closer to being prepared for Christmas than I am.  My goodness it seems like it has just come so quickly.  I am not the least bit prepared.  Not a shocker to all of you seeing as how I am doing my Temptation Tuesday here on Thursday! LOL!!!!  So like me. 

Well, I must say good bye for now and get my butt moving.  I have to go to see my sister perform her bell ringing concert this afternoon.  I am so excited for her.  She will also be featuring her artwork as well.  She has completed five gorgeous paint by numbers and they are all going to be on display.  She is so happy!  Got to love that!!! ;PPPPPP

Warm primitive blessings to you all!


Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Good afternoon everyone.  I hope that you are all having a great first week in December.  Crazy how fast it has snuck upon us.  This is unfortunately going to be a very short post.  My computer's hard drive (or at least that is what they think might be the problem) has gone.  Hoping to get it fixed on Thursday.  So for now I have to use my little notebook and it is very hard to see.  Therefore, a short post.  But, I did promise to post my most beloved recipe for this time of the year.  And, a promise is a promise.  So, here you are:


3-4 bags popped microwave popcorn
3 c mixed nuts  (these are optional--my family does not care for these in ours so I skip these but, some folks would rather enjoy them--so by all means do whatever works for ya)
1 c packed brown sugar
1/2 c Karo syrup (the lighter color)
1/2 c butter
1/2 teas salt
1/2 teas vanilla
1/2 teas baking soda

Spray a large roasting pan with non stick spray.  Combine popcorn and nuts in pan.  Bake at 240* while preparing the caramel. 

In a saucepan, stir brown sugar, corn syrup, butter and salt.  Bring to a boil over medium heat stirring constantly.  Without stirring, boil for 5 minutes.  Remove from heat;  stir in vanilla, and baking soda.  As you stir the mix will start to look a little frothy like and that is what you want it to look like.  Pour over popcorn and stir to coat.  Bake at 240* for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.  Remove from oven, cool and break apart.  Store in a tightly covered container.

Oh my gosh this stuff is highly addictive and anyone that tries it usually Loves it!!!! 

TIP-- When I am timing the caramel sauce and it gets down to about 30 seconds, I pull out my popcorn from the oven so that it is ready for the sauce to be poured over it immediately.  Just makes things easier.

TIP--When buying the Karo syrup, do not use the LITE in calories.  I tried this and the caramel does not cook properly.  It hardens into crisp, like taffy pulls.  It doesn't work good at all.  But, I do use the Karo Light color.  Just don't get them confused.  It took me almost a whole season to figure out what I was doing wrong with my popcorn a couple years ago--fixed it!  LOL!

TIP--If you are feeling a little adventurous..... try this, use 2 large bags of plain Bugles in place of the popcorn.  Oh my.... it is sinfully addictive.  But, it also cuts out popping time (I know, microwave popcorn and trying to save more time.  Too funny)!!!!

Ok, so I have now shared one of my most requested recipes with you all.  Now get to making some up.  This stuff makes up quite a batch and is great for bagging up for friends.  I think that you will find that once you make this, it is sure to become one of your favorites as well.

I truly hope that you all enjoy this.  Have a great week and I hope to be back next week with a better working computer.  I also will be posting on next Tuesday a family recipe from mom.  It is the best Gingerbread that you will ever sink your teeth into.  Just wait and see..... or taste!

Warm and primitive blessings to you all!
