Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Hello everyone!!!!!  Sorry I have been away so long.  Still trying to get things under control around here.  They are getting a little better......HOORAY!  I am still hoping for things to be even better and more routine so they don't seem to be a job!  We'll get there!  Anyway, I hope things are going well for all of you out there.  The weather has been good here but, warmer than what I am comfortable in.  Beggars can't be choosers, now can we?  I'll try to be happy with what we have.LOL! 

So, because I have been gone I thought I would continue on with the double recipes for today as well!  I hope that you like these.  These we have tried and love!  One of them has come from my mom and the other from my sweet niece Samantha.  In fact, Samantha just whipped up hers this week end and brought slices over for us to enjoy!  And did we ever!  The hubs has been hinting around for me to make one up so, I guess I am going to do that this week!  And as difficult (LOL) as the recipe is, I will probably make him one any time that he wants! 

The first recipe is from Samantha and it is for a;


Pizza crust
BBQ sauce  (Love Sweet Baby Rays Honey BBQ Sauce)
mozzarella cheese
chicken, cooked and cubed with BBQ sauce on it

Assemble it like a regular pizza.  Put BBQ sauce on instead of pizza sauce.  Top with cheese and then add chicken.  Cook for about 15 mins or to desired crispness at 425. 

Seriously for a quick and most delicious supper, serve this up with a side salad.... and yummy!!!

For the next recipe, this one I am putting on here a little late.  I meant to put it on when the strawberries first came out.  Oh well!  Better late than never!


2/3 c sugar
2 tbsp corn starch
2 tbsp light corn syrup
1 c water
3 tbsp strawberry gelatin
1 qt fresh strawberries, hulled, and large berries quartered or halved
1 baked pie crust
whipped cream

Combine sugar and cornstarch in saucepan, add syrup and water.  Bring to a boil, cook stirring until mixture is thick and clear.  Add gelatin stirring until dissolved.  Cool.  Put strawberries in pie crust.  Pour sauce mixture over the berries.  Chill.  Spread whipped cream over the top. 

Oh my word, this is so yummy and tastes like summer!!!!!!  You know the strawberry glaze that you can buy to make your strawberry pies?  Well it doesn't hold a candle to this glaze!  Trust me.  This is worth the effort.  It is delicious!  Just make sure to let your pie chill in the fridge for a while so that it can set, that way it won't be runny!   SOOOOOO  GOOOD!

Now you all have two delicious recipes for the day.  I hope that you give them a try and get to enjoy them as much as we do!!!!! 

Have a great day and I hope to be back by the end of the week maybe with a craft......... fingers crossed!

Warm primitive blessings to you all!


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hey everyone!  So sorry I missed yesterday, again, like everyone else it has been kind of crazy around here.  I have been really trying to focus on helping my sister with her (unsafe transfers) which are getting a little better and also focusing on trying to get myself a little more healthy.  (exercise wise).  Neither of these two things are easy and both have taken a great deal of time and effort.  But, we are definitely worth it and we will continue to keep working on ourselves.  In the meantime;  I wanted to give a quick recipe so I grabbed one that I have been meaning to try that I got out of a Taste Of Home cookbook.  I have seen a lot of cabbage ready at our local farm stands and today I am making a ham boiled dinner for supper.  Everyone knows how to do that so, I thought about some cabbage rolls.  And here's the recipe:


1 medium head cabbage, cored
1 1/2c chopped onion, divided
1 tbsp butter or margarine
2 cans italian style stewed tomatoes (14 1/2 oz ea)
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt, divided
1 c cooked rice
1/4 c ketchup
2 tbsp worcestershire sauce---( Love this stuff-----try it in your tuna salad it is yummy)
1/4 tsp pepper
1 lb lean ground beef
1/4 lb bulk italian sausage
1/2 c V-8 juice, optional

Cook cabbage in boiling water for 10 mins or until outer leaves are tender; drain.  Rinse in cold water; drain.  Remove 8 large outer leaves (refrigerate remaining cabbage for another use); set aside.  In a saucepan saute 1 cup onion in butter until tender.  Add tomatoes, garlic, brown sugar and 1/2 tsp salt.  Simmer for 15 mins, stirring occasionally.  Meanwhile, in a bowl, combine the rice, ketchup, worcestershire, pepper and remaining onion and salt.  Add beef and sausage; mix well.  Remove thick vein from cabbage leaves for easier rolling.  Place about 1/2 cup meat mixture on each leaf; fold in sides.  Starting at unfolded edge, roll up leaf to completely enclose filling.  Place seam side down in a skillet.  Top with the sauce.  Cover and cook over med/low heat for 1 hour.  Add V-8 juice if desired.  Reduce heat to low and cook for 20 mins longer or until rolls are heated through and meat is no longer pink. 

This sounds delicious to me and if we continue having the weather like today I definitely don't mind cooking.  I hop that you all like this one.  Let me know if you give it a try. 

Hope that you all have a great day today.  I hope to be back on more frequently again by next week.  Sorry but, I just have too much going on right now.  Enjoy your week and I hope to be back soon!!!

Warm primitive blessings to you all!!!!!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Grungy Jars

Well good morning everyone!  I hope that you all had a good evening last night.  I did.  I can still taste the lasagna.  LOL!  Just kidding but, it was very tasty.  I think that the only way it could have been better............. peanut butter! LOL!  Sorry, I am a peanut butter freak.  Go figure! 

Anyway, it's time to get to the project and the pictures. Before I go on I want to make sure to mention that the original tutorial for this is at:  http://gettysburghomestead.blogspot.com/   Mary over there has this in her tutorials.  I have done this before but, I hadn't blogged about it.  It was at Easter time and I had so many other crafts going on that I didn't get a chance.  I love these jars.  Mod podge is the greatest!  All you need for this is:  mod podge, jar, dried coffee grinds, paintbrush, twine, and label of your choice.  The labels that I used on mine below were some that I purchased at a craft shop years ago.  They were like .99 each.  That should tell ya something.  You can print your own labels that you might want of the internet anywhere.  I just happen to be trying to think ahead-----so mine are Christmas!
(Who would have thought......... a large peanut butter jar)!  These labels happened to have a sticky back that all I had to do is just peel and stick.  Normally when I print it off I have put mod podge on the back of the label and quickly but carefully place it where I want it.  I have since learned that if I take a glue stick and go down the center of the label.  That works great.  I can center the label where I want and still have room for adjusting it without tearing it.  Trust me, that works much better.  From here on out that is how I will be doing mine.  Once you have the label centered where you want it, put mod podge on the actual jar under half of the label that is still waiting to be glued down.  Then smooth the label down trying to make sure there are no air bubbles under it.  (It doesn't bother me too much if I have some because if the label has a crease in it-----it makes it look older and more aged.  At least that's how I feel.  If you don't like that then you just have to try and go slowly to keep things smooth).  You then need to do the other side. This is what you have:

Now, you have to do something about those jar lids.

I normally like to paint them brown because I put the coffee stained cheesecloth over it and it just blends in nicely with that.  I wanted to do something a little different with the small jar though.  It is for candy canes so, I thought a striped lid would be fun and different.  I obviously did it freehand.  But, I love that look.  It is so ............  not manufactured!   You will never see another identical to this. 

So, the next step is your coffee grinds.  I save mine every morning and Nancy has saved some for me as well. I just dump my filter full on a couple of paper towels in a plate and let them sit out to dry for a couple of days and then add them to my cool whip container and leave it uncovered so that they continue to dry and don't mold.

Now you take your jar and I do small areas with mod podge.  And then you sprinkle on your coffee flakes over the mod podge are and tap off the rest.  Warning:  do not do this in front of fan!  Do as I say not as I do!  LOL!! 

This is just a quick try at dipping it in the cool whip container.

I thought I had a photo of a small area done but, I guess not.  This is after the first coat of mod podge and coffee grinds are on.  Just let it dry (in front of that fan) for a few minutes to harden.  Once it feels pretty solid, start applying your second layer the same way over the first.

Again, the same thing.  You wait for this layer to harden too.  Just so that you know those coffee grinds are going to stick anywhere that mod podge is.  It gets all over the edges of my label.  It's okay to me but if you don't like that take extra care around your edges.  If you get some on there by mistake you still have time to wipe off and remove it.  Just make sure you pay attention to it before it dries.  The next step is the final coat of mod podge.  You do this to harden it on and it actually seals it so that every time you pick up or touch your jars you don't leave a trail of coffee grounds behind. 
I tried to get a close up for you.  That worked well.
This is a little better.  Now your jar looks like it was tucked in a snowbank overnight.  Snow?!  Sorry!
Just let this layer dry now.  When this is dry you can put your jar lids back on .  Then I just take a piece of coffee stained cheesecloth (use whatever you like) and put it over the lid.  Then I just tie a bow around it and you're done!

Doesn't look so peanut buttery now, does it?

Sorry about the glare.  The sun was shining in through the window pretty good.

I really like the look of the striped jar lid.  It totally gave it more character.  I think that it looks wicked good!!!!

Well, that's it for today.  Again, I want to clarify this original tutorial came from Mary over at: http://gettysburghomestead.blogspot.com/  I can't and do not want to take credit for this.  It is alot of fun and inexpensive.  Who doesn't have jars, right?!  This is a nice way to fill in spaces throughout your home.  Especially as we are getting prepared to head into the holiday seasons sooner than you think.  These are lightweight, easy to pack and put away, and great to display all around to get you the feeling of whatever season is among us.  So, go get creative and find some new labels to put on some jars.  Don't limit it just to the upcoming season.  Think about all the seasons.  (Pumpkins, snowmen, Santa, turkeys, rabbits, flags, these are just a few).  If you are making one up, you might as well make a batch.  Just make sure you have saved your coffee grinds and get a large container of mod podge.  Prepare to get sticky and if you do, do this in front of a fan....... prepare to be coated and sealed with coffee grinds! LOL! 

I almost forgot, don't use the instant coffee grinds.....they just run down your jar.  If you like that look than by all means go for it.  But if you want it similar to what these look like they are regular coffee grinds. 

Hey, you all have a great day out there.  We have less humidity coming our way and I pray that wherever you are at you have the relief that you are awaiting as well. 

Warm primitive blessings to you all.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Good morning everyone!  I hope that you all had a great week end and a nice start to your week already.  It is still pretty warm, ok hot around here.  But, nothing like what the rest of the country is going through!  My heart and prayers go out to you all that are suffering in this horrible heat and drought!  We will keep praying for relief and rain for you all!

On a lighter note, today is Temptation Tuesday!  Hooray!  Today I have a couple of new and different recipes.  I think that you will enjoy both of them very much!  They are also quick and easy, just the way we like them.  I also feel that they are very kid friendly, in that  the kids can help create and make both of these and they are sure to enjoy the end results for both of these!

The first recipe I want to share with you is one that my friend Nancy offered me.  She just made one of these up this week end for her sons birthday!  Happy Birthday Derek!  The recipe is for:


2 boxes mac-n-cheese (and ingredients to make according to pkg)
2 eggs
15 oz jar spaghetti sauce/pizza sauce (Nancy said that she prefers the pizza sauce because you are making a pizza!  It doesn't want to taste like spaghetti, right?!)  I agree!
1/2lb-3/4lb of mozzarella cheese
toppings (ham, hamburg, pepperoni, veggies, get creative: pickles, broccoli)

Mix your mac-n-cheese as package directs you to.  Add eggs and mix well.  Pour into a 9X13 pan (sprayed with non stick spray, of course.  easy clean up).  Bake for 10 mins. at 350 until the eggs are set.  Spread the sauce, and then cheese.  Add your toppings.  Continue baking at 350 until your cheese is bubbling and your toppings are done. 

Tip:  Nancy also said that if she uses hamburg on hers, she precooks it because it doesn't have enough time to cook through in the oven.

I can't wait to pick stuff up to make this.  It sounds delicious and fun.  I hope that you all give it a go and try it with your family.  Thanks Nancy for sharing this with us. 

For the second recipe today I am using another recipe that I have not tried yet but, will be soon!  I have to go get some groceries today if you hadn't noticed! LOL!  This recipe is from a magazine that my sister and I saw in the doctors office last week.  I don't like to tear out the recipes from the magazines so I snapped a picture of it with my cell phone and tada!  Here it is:


35 Oreo cookies
6 tbsp butter, melted
1 8oz pkg Philadelphia cream cheese, softened
1/4c sugar
2 tbsp cold milk
1 12oz tub Cool whip, thawed and divided
2 pkgs 3.9 oz each, Jello chocolate instant pudding
3 1/4 c cold milk

Process cookies in a food processor until fine crumbs form.  Transfer to a bowl and mix in butter.  Press onto bottom of 13X9 dish.  Refrigerate until ready to use.

Whisk cream cheese, sugar and 2tbsp milk in a med bowl until blended.  Stir in 1 1/4 cups Cool whip.  Spread over crust.

Beat pudding mixes and 3 1/4 cups cold milk with whisk for 2 minutes.  Pour over cream cheese layer.  Let stand for 5 mins or until thickened.  Cover with remaining Cool whip.  Sprinkle additional crushed Oreos if desired.

Refrigerate for 4 hours.

Although I have not made this, YET!  There is still drool on the photo of this in the magazine at the doctors office. LOL!  I am not sure which of us left the bigger pool, me or my sister.  The worst thing that I could have done is acquire the recipe.  But, I did it for you!  That's right, I did this all for you.  It sounds better in my mind if I can say that I didn't get that recipe for me.  I just have to figure out how I am going to justify making one.LOL!  Maybe, for a picture for you!!!!  That's why I need to make one of these.  Thanks!  Too funny!

Well I guess that's all for today.  I hope that you enjoy these recipes.  I know that they both sound delicious to me!  Now I have to go pick up some: mac-n-cheese and pizza sauce, oh and I can't forget the Oreo's and Cool whip (for your photo, of course)!

Have a great day.  I hope to be back on tomorrow and show you a few photos of what I did yesterday.  And, maybe what I will do this afternoon with some Oreos!

Warm primitive blessings to you all!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Good morning everyone.  Thank goodness I at least try to maintain my TEMPTATION TUESDAY's.  My poor blog would probably close down on me for lack of..........blogs!  LOL!  So sorry.  It just seems as though I have the best of intentions but, never end up following through on them.  I will try to better. Blah, blah, blah!  I know I have said it all before.  I will try!  

Anyway for today I have a couple of recipes that I wanted to share with you.  The first one is from my husbands cousin Terry.  She is a great friend and a wonderful person.  Thanks for the recipe Terry.  I hope that you all will give this one a shot.  It is quick and easy, the way I love all my recipes to be.  And this is a great one for the weather that we have right now.  It is gorgeous here in Maine.  We have had sunny days near the 80's but no humidity and a wonderful light breeze that makes it feel like your a kid again.  It makes me think back to our summer vacations and playing outside.  Not a care in the world but, everything just seems perfect.  Oooops.  I get rambling sorry, we were going to have a recipe here right?!  Okay, here it is;


3 c water
3oz pkg orange jello
3.4 oz pkg instant vanilla pudding
3 oz pkg tapioca pudding mix
1 small can mandarin oranges, drained
8 oz can crushed pineapple, drained
8 oz tub cool whip, thawed

In a saucepan, bring water to a boil.  Whisk in jello and pudding mixes.  Return to a boil, stirring constantly.  Boil for 1 minute.  Remove from heat and cool completely.  Fold in whipped topping, oranges, and pineapple.  Spoon into serving dish(es), cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. 

tip:  you could also add in; nuts, marshmallows, or other fruits as well. 

This is a very cool and yummy treat on these nice summer days.

Now for the second recipe.  I bought a paperback cookbook at a yard sale this summer and I wanted to share a recipe from that .  The book is called "Sister Jennie's Shaker Desserts" written by Arthur Tolve and James Bissland III.The book basically has the original hand written recipe in Sister Jennie's own handwriting as well as the modern version of the recipe that had been edited and tested by their cooks.  At the end of the recipe they gave directions for homemade cookie stamps as well and I wanted to include these for the moms with kids at home for summer.  This sounded like a fun afternoon project.  I hope that you enjoy this recipe too!


1/2 c butter
2 teas flavoring extract
1 1/2 c sugar
2 eggs
3/4 teas baking soda
1 teas salt
1/2 c sour cream
4 c cake flour, variable

Cream the butter and flavoring.  Add the sugar a little at a time, cream well after each addition.  Add eggs one at a time and cream well after each.  Mix the soda and salt with the sour cream and add this mixture to the creamed mixture alternately with the flour.  Starting with the flour and ending with the flour.

Roll out the dough and press with the tines of a fork; or with the cookie stamps (as described below).

Cut the cookies into the desired shapes.  Roll the dough to 1/8" thick, in a greased jelly roll pan, then stamp the designs and cut out strips between designs to form squares.  These may be baked right in the pan without bothering to move and reposition them.  Bake at 375 for 8-10 mins.  This recipe makes about 8 dozen cookies.  (These cookies are especially tasty when sprinkled with a mixture of 1 tbsp cinnamon and 1 c of sugar when the cookies are hot from the oven.)


Stamps can be made from potatoes, carrots or turnips.  Cut the vegetable to provide a flat surface of the size needed for your design.  Use a paring knife to carve the desired design into the flat surface.  Dust the stamp with powdered sugar or flour before using.

Sounds like fun to me!  Good luck with these.  If you have any photos of some that you make I would love to see them and share. 

One last thing before I go.  I know that I haven't completed any projects but, my sister Lori has.  She does the paint by number scenes and she just completed her 5th one.  It came out amazing, as usual.  I thought that I would share the picture of it with you so voila;

Keep in mind that this is me taking a photo of a picture and with my camera that does no justice for anything.  LOL!  It looks amazing here but, if you could see this in person, WOW!  There is so much detail in the pictures.  Do you see the loon?, the lantern?, on the deck of the cabin in the lower left side their are two chairs.  On the right side my photo cut out a couple of small boats as well.  You just can't even begin to imagine the work that goes into this.  And she does this all in her wheelchair a few hours here and there.  AWESOME!!!!!!!  I am so proud of her.  Thought I would share this so you all could enjoy it too!!

Well I will leave off on that note.  I wish you all a good day and hopefully see you soon with something that I have finished! 

Warm primitive blessings to you all!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Good morning everyone.  I hope that your day has started off on a good note.  So far mine has.  Today I am planning on having a crafting day with my good friend Nancy.  We have a couple of things planned for the day and hopefully I will remember to take pics so I can share them tomorrow.  Enough about tomorrow, we need to get on with today, right?!

For today's recipe this one came from my sister in law Jen and I haven't had this in a long time.  She made it and had us over, my husband and I loved it and had to have the recipe.  Hope that you all enjoy it as much as we do err....will be soon!!!LOL!


8 oz pkg spaghetti, broken into pieces
2 tbsp butter
1/3 c parmesan cheese
salt and pepper
1 egg, well beaten
1 1/2 lbs ground beef
1 med. onion
1/4 c chopped green onion
2 tbsp oil
1 jar spaghetti sauce
1 teas sugar
1/2 teas oregano
1/2 teas garlic salt
1 c cottage cheese
4 oz mozzarella cheese

Cook spaghetti as directed and drain.  Place in a 9x13 pan.  Stir in butter, parm cheese, salt, pepper, and egg until thoroughly combined.  Spread mixture evenly in pan.

Saute ground beef, onion, and green pepper in a large skillet until meat is brown; drain.  Stir in spaghetti sauce, sugar, oregano and garlic salt.

Spread cottage cheese over the spaghetti layer in pan and then top with meat mixture.  Bake at 350 for 30 mins.  Sprinkle mozzarella cheese over top and bake for an additional 10 mins or until cheese is melted and just begins to brown.  Let stand before cutting.

Tip:  I add in whatever I have on hand for veggies:  mushrooms, summer squash, zucchini etc.  It  just makes it more tasty. 

         I also make this ahead of time sometimes and leave it in the fridge overnight until the next evening to bake up.  It has all that time for the flavors to mingle.  YUMMY!

I hope that you all have a great day.  See you soon!

Warm primitive blessings.
