Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Good morning everyone.  Thank goodness I at least try to maintain my TEMPTATION TUESDAY's.  My poor blog would probably close down on me for lack of..........blogs!  LOL!  So sorry.  It just seems as though I have the best of intentions but, never end up following through on them.  I will try to better. Blah, blah, blah!  I know I have said it all before.  I will try!  

Anyway for today I have a couple of recipes that I wanted to share with you.  The first one is from my husbands cousin Terry.  She is a great friend and a wonderful person.  Thanks for the recipe Terry.  I hope that you all will give this one a shot.  It is quick and easy, the way I love all my recipes to be.  And this is a great one for the weather that we have right now.  It is gorgeous here in Maine.  We have had sunny days near the 80's but no humidity and a wonderful light breeze that makes it feel like your a kid again.  It makes me think back to our summer vacations and playing outside.  Not a care in the world but, everything just seems perfect.  Oooops.  I get rambling sorry, we were going to have a recipe here right?!  Okay, here it is;


3 c water
3oz pkg orange jello
3.4 oz pkg instant vanilla pudding
3 oz pkg tapioca pudding mix
1 small can mandarin oranges, drained
8 oz can crushed pineapple, drained
8 oz tub cool whip, thawed

In a saucepan, bring water to a boil.  Whisk in jello and pudding mixes.  Return to a boil, stirring constantly.  Boil for 1 minute.  Remove from heat and cool completely.  Fold in whipped topping, oranges, and pineapple.  Spoon into serving dish(es), cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. 

tip:  you could also add in; nuts, marshmallows, or other fruits as well. 

This is a very cool and yummy treat on these nice summer days.

Now for the second recipe.  I bought a paperback cookbook at a yard sale this summer and I wanted to share a recipe from that .  The book is called "Sister Jennie's Shaker Desserts" written by Arthur Tolve and James Bissland III.The book basically has the original hand written recipe in Sister Jennie's own handwriting as well as the modern version of the recipe that had been edited and tested by their cooks.  At the end of the recipe they gave directions for homemade cookie stamps as well and I wanted to include these for the moms with kids at home for summer.  This sounded like a fun afternoon project.  I hope that you enjoy this recipe too!


1/2 c butter
2 teas flavoring extract
1 1/2 c sugar
2 eggs
3/4 teas baking soda
1 teas salt
1/2 c sour cream
4 c cake flour, variable

Cream the butter and flavoring.  Add the sugar a little at a time, cream well after each addition.  Add eggs one at a time and cream well after each.  Mix the soda and salt with the sour cream and add this mixture to the creamed mixture alternately with the flour.  Starting with the flour and ending with the flour.

Roll out the dough and press with the tines of a fork; or with the cookie stamps (as described below).

Cut the cookies into the desired shapes.  Roll the dough to 1/8" thick, in a greased jelly roll pan, then stamp the designs and cut out strips between designs to form squares.  These may be baked right in the pan without bothering to move and reposition them.  Bake at 375 for 8-10 mins.  This recipe makes about 8 dozen cookies.  (These cookies are especially tasty when sprinkled with a mixture of 1 tbsp cinnamon and 1 c of sugar when the cookies are hot from the oven.)


Stamps can be made from potatoes, carrots or turnips.  Cut the vegetable to provide a flat surface of the size needed for your design.  Use a paring knife to carve the desired design into the flat surface.  Dust the stamp with powdered sugar or flour before using.

Sounds like fun to me!  Good luck with these.  If you have any photos of some that you make I would love to see them and share. 

One last thing before I go.  I know that I haven't completed any projects but, my sister Lori has.  She does the paint by number scenes and she just completed her 5th one.  It came out amazing, as usual.  I thought that I would share the picture of it with you so voila;

Keep in mind that this is me taking a photo of a picture and with my camera that does no justice for anything.  LOL!  It looks amazing here but, if you could see this in person, WOW!  There is so much detail in the pictures.  Do you see the loon?, the lantern?, on the deck of the cabin in the lower left side their are two chairs.  On the right side my photo cut out a couple of small boats as well.  You just can't even begin to imagine the work that goes into this.  And she does this all in her wheelchair a few hours here and there.  AWESOME!!!!!!!  I am so proud of her.  Thought I would share this so you all could enjoy it too!!

Well I will leave off on that note.  I wish you all a good day and hopefully see you soon with something that I have finished! 

Warm primitive blessings to you all!


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