Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hey everyone!  Is it just me or has the been a long and exhausting week for you all too!  Phew!  It seems like I have been run through the mill this week.  And it's not like I have done anything major.  I don't know what it is but, I am looking forward to the end of this week.  I hope that you all are not as exhausted and overwhelmed as I feel right now.  (Right, like that's gonna happen..... this is real life here and exhaustion happens.  I know!)  Okay, enough of my whining! 

Moving on, today I didn't go to the gym (tee hee)!  I couldn't help it.... honest!  I had to make some homemade Green Tomato Relish!  Yes, that's what I said.... Green Tomato ....Relish.  It is the absolute best relish there is!!!!  Hands down!  My mom had some tomatoes (green of course) and thought we had better get to making the relish pretty soon so, today was the chosen day!  So, she and my niece Sam came over and we made a trip to the supermarket, picked up a few items and headed for home.  We got here chopped up the goodies and ground them.  Then we cooked it up.  My house smells divine.  We put it up into jars and when we were all done but licking out the kettle..... I remembered that I wanted to take some photos!  DUH!!!!!!  At least I thought of it.  Late but, I thought of it.  I do have a couple photos after we finished to show you but, I wanted you to see the kettle full of relish.  UMMMMM!  I could just eat it by the spoonful, especially while it's hot.  I guess I should show you the two pics that I did get:

I wasn't fibbing when I told you I didn't think of pics till we were done.  And actually, I wasn't even the one that thought of it then, it was Samantha!  I had put my camera on the counter last night so that I would see it and it would be a reminder to me. HUH!  So much for that idea I guess.  Ok, so we have all established I have a slight memory ... issue!  And we'll leave it at that.  All those jars of relish came from a double batch.  I will be sharing this recipe next week.  By the way, don't be alarmed by the (little rooster on the left side of the kettle), it is my cheesecloth bag of pickling spices and it has some of the red peppers on top.  It looks so cute like a rooster in the pic.  The clump of relish in the bottom of kettle........ that's samplin' goods!~ And that they were!    Here's another picture of the jar of relish that I took:
Looks delicious doesn't it?  I don't know about you but, I can't wait for a hot dog!!!!!!  So, now you all need to get yourselves together some green tomatoes this week end so you can make up some relish for yourselves.  You wont be sorry.  Unless you don't make some.

On with something else.  I have a problem and I am hopeful that someone out there might be able to give me some advice or ideas.  You all know how much I love my critters (birds, squirrels, chipmunks, dogs, okay, animals in general), right?!  Well, yesterday afternoon I was walking out to my sisters apartment and when I went by the side door in my house I saw this:

Do you see him in there?  Poor little guy.  I thought that he was just kinda hanging around.  There were birds all around on the ground eating the seeds.

So, I went out onto the deck to take a few more pictures of him........ totally amazed that he would be staying there so still for me.  I talked with him and thanked him for letting me get some cute pictures for my blog. 

So, as I am trying to take pictures before this little guy decides to up and run away.  I start thinking, why hasn't he taken off yet?  And if you go back to the second picture I showed.  Look at his back feet.  His toes are inter-twined together.  It was like he had a death grip on the pole.  HMMMH!  I wonder why he has such a grip?  So, I decided either he was stuck or the neighbors cat was hiding somewhere around.  Just as I went around the corner of the deck the cat went running.  It obviously went a little faster than it had planned because all of a sudden it had freakin crazy lunatic (huffin and puffin all the way) right behind it.  After my breath came back and I started seeing colors again, LOL!  I went back by the poor little guy, who was still wrapped snugly around the post, and I went inside.  When hubby got home a little bit later, the squirrel was still there.  So, we went out and touched him with a post (no, I am not chicken to touch him, I just wasn't sure if he could have rabies and I am afraid of needles) to see if he was wedged in or not.  NOT!  He jumped up and out of there so fast it made my head spin.  Three jumps and he was out of sight.  And, no the cat didn't get him.  I had been on watch for the cat till hubby got home. 

Back to my problem though,  how do you get rid of a neighbors cat without harming it?  I do not wish to harm any animal.  I just don't like it that I have other animals coming into my area and causing harm to my wildlife pets.  So, if any of you have any ideas, I would really appreciate it.  Yes, I have mentioned to them about their cat coming to our house and him catching all my birds and squirrels and she said "well, that's life.  That's what cats do!"  She's right.  And I am not arguing that but, I do think that I have a right too!  So, if you happen to know of any solution I would greatly appreciate anything to try. 

Okay, I guess that I have rambled on long enough today.  I probably wont be back for a couple of days but, make sure that your get your tomatoes ready for your relish.  YUMMMMM!

Have a great week end everyone!

Warm and primitive blessings to you all!


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