Thursday, September 20, 2012


Hello friends.  I trust that you are all having a nice fall day.  It is a bit on the chilly side here but, I am loving it.  The cooler air feels so nice to me.  The leaves are all changing color so beautifully.  Love fall!!!!!   It just feels like this is the way it is supposed to be. 

Okay, so I promised more pictures of the new carpeting right?!  Are you sure that you are ready for this?  Holy cow, this has been such a long time coming.  I absolutely love my new flooring.  Hubby says that I better, he doesn't plan on doing this again any time soon! LOL!  He doesn't have to worry, I am so happy with it.  Well, are you ready?
Alright, so the photo above shows the tile squares (we had forgotten about) that were under the carpet in the living room, that we pulled up and took out.  Lovely, huh?!  I shouldn't say anything bad, you know because they served the purpose for a great many years.  I was just very fortunate that this year we could make the change. 
Another before shot of the living room.  Of course my dogs are feeling quite photogenic in all of these.  Kayzer is in the living room here and Miss Frankie is coming in to see what's going on.

Pretty huh?  If you look closely you can see 4 different types of flooring here.  The new barn wood under Jeffrey, the brown square tiles also under Jeffrey, the plywood (painted white-yuck), and the bluish-grey tiles under Miss Frankie.  This was mostly covered up by a braided blue rug.  So, yes at one time there was over 5 different flooring's going on in here.  Unfortunately this happens to be the first room that you walked into.  Again, I made do with what I had and I am very thankful for what I have had for all these years.  I am also very grateful for the opportunity to improve on this too.

So, this picture gives you a pretty nice look at it.  I know!  Yes, our walls are next years project to finish up.  I call it my fifty-fifty room.  It is half done and half waiting.  I know that it doesn't look so pretty here but, stay with me.  You will be amazed at what a little flooring can do.

This is the living room after the installers left and I had vacuumed.  Oh my gosh.  I had to get down on the floor and lay on it.  It feels amazing.  The color of it goes so well with the stones around the fireplace.  Guess what?  I didn't pick this color for in the living room.  When we had Home Depot come out to measure up the rooms, they called us and told us they had a promotion going on and if we did both rooms with the same carpet it would save us over $500.00.  Well, I don't know about you but, that's alot of money for us.  I debated over it though.  I had originally wanted a mustardy color for out here.  I finally gave in on it though to save the money and be able to afford to get both carpets laid this fall versus getting just the front room laid now and getting the living room carpet laid in the spring/summer.  Thank God for this opportunity, I never would have gotten to see just how great this looks.  Sometimes if we just give a little the end result is so much bigger than what we actually anticipated. 
Yeah, you guessed it!  They LOVE it too!!  And, they wanted their pictures taken again. 
This is the living room all put back together.  Phew!!  That was one heck of a job!  You all wonder where I have been.......yeah!!! 
This is my television stand.  It was an old chest like box that I got for $35.00 at a junk store.  One of my sisters in law found it and had no room for it so, she called and told me about it.  I knew that if she loved it, that I would too!  Sure enough, I do!  Hubby put shelves in it for me and it has been the best entertainment center we have ever had, (the cheapest too)!!!!

This is looking out from my living room into the dining room, and if you look closely you can see a peek into the front room as well.  Oops, and don't forget Kayzer looking back at you! LOL!
Alright so about a month ago I showed you the pictures where the house joins in the middle and the split that got worse as the seasons change, right?  Well, the split is now covered by the rug.  That is why it is L shaped.  We would have just run the barn wood flooring straight through but, we needed to cover the split all the way across with carpet so it would have some give, and wouldn't split.  I am very happy with the way it came out though.  Took the photo before hubby finished placing the last transition strip down.  If you look closely you can even see Jeffrey!  I lose him in the carpeting now!  Too funny!

Same idea in this photo.  I just wanted to show the L shape, and that you can make it work however you have to.  I don't know why my picture went over to the left, but it did.

Better than the five different flooring's, don't ya think?!  I love it.  Totally and completely happy.  Don't let hubby know.  I don't think that he thought that was ever achievable. LOL!
Again, they have to try to get into the pictures. 

Now we are going to play a game;  can you find the Jeffrey? 
How about now?

He does kind of blend in.  Don't ya think?!  If I took my glasses off or my contacts out, I would lose him for sure.  LOL!

Well I hope that I didn't bore you all to death with my pictures.  I appreciate all of your support and kindness.  It is nice when you can improve on your home.  It makes you feel good.  Nancy just had all new windows put in her sun porch area.  It is awesome.  She and I share our home improvement stories and nightmares together.  If any of you are doing the same thing, I wish you all the best of luck.  And if you are out there waiting for next year to be able to do it...... be as patient as you can, it will get here and it will happen.  It sometimes doesn't happen the way we plan, but it happens the way it was meant to be.  And after you have a chance to sit back and look, you can usually see that it was better off the way it ended up.  Just keep the faith.  I did, it took over 10 years to get this.  I would never have appreciated it then the way that I do now.  I know that for a fact. 

Wherever you're at.... I hope that it is great there. 

If you didn't happen to go over to Pamela's blog at  the other day for the free cross stitch pattern, you need to go over soon because she added another free fall pattern as well.  And if you are a crow I know some of you are, you aren't going to want to miss this one. 

Warm and primitive blessings to you all.


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