Monday, October 8, 2012


Hey everyone.  Sorry I have been away for so long.  Obviously if you have followed my blog here at all you know that Miss Frankie is one of our dogs.  (If you are not a dog/pet lover, you probably will not care to read on any further).  My life revolves around my family and my dogs.  On Friday Sept. 28th Frankie wasn't feeling well.  Called the vet and they said she might just have a flu bug (I didn't realize that dogs could get a flu like humans).  They told me to give her some pepto bismol and to try her with a bland diet that evening.  Things didn't get better and in fact the next morning she was feeling even worse.  We brought her out to the vets and they did blood work and x-rays, physical exam.  The whole nine yards.  Well, when they brought us in they gave her three meds to try to help settle her tummy, help with the pain and I can't even remember what the other was for.  They then showed us the x-ray which wasn't so good.  She first off had alot of arthritis in her back and in her hips.  I thought well we will just get her the meds she needs to try and keep her comfortable at least- no biggie.  But, then they proceeded on to her stomach----- there was a huge mass (tumor) in there and it was forcing all of her organs to the sides of her stomach and forward.  It made it so that she couldn't eat or drink anything.  Nothing could get by this horrible thing.  They couldn't tell us for sure by the looks of the x-ray how big it was or if it was cancerous or if there were a bunch more.  That happened to be what they thought though.  So they told us to take her home Sat afternoon and give her the meds and see if that helped or not.  Unfortunately, the medicine didn't do anything.  By Sunday morning she could hardly walk (she could still wag her tail at me as I tried to encourage her to get up to go out).  I called my husband at work and he then called the vet.  I couldn't talk at that point..... I knew what was coming.  I was right! 

We decided to put her down.  It was the worst thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We couldn't watch her suffering and there was no guarantees that they could help her.  I am crying my eyes out still as I type this to you.  But, I felt that I needed to at least explain where I have been.  It certainly was not on a vacation.  My eyes are still puffy and sore and my life just doesn't feel as full as it was.  I am definitely thankful for the two dogs that I still have but, my goodness she left a BIG hole in my heart. 

I would also like to thank all of my family and friends that were there for me over this past week.  You all know who you are.  Thanks a million and I love you all! 

Our beloved Miss Frankie:   

So sorry that I only posted two pictures but, they are still hard for me to look at and look through.  Look into those big beautiful eyes and all you see is unending unconditional love.  I will always love you Frankie!  

Warm primitive blessings to you all!


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