Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Good afternoon everyone.  This is a late afternoon posting but, you gotta admit, I got the right day finally!  I hope that everything is going good for all of you.  It is rainy and foggy here.  It could be worse and snowing so...... I shall just let it rain and smile :) !!!!!!! 

For today's recipes I thought that I would share a couple of my moms recipes that I have had for a while.  I hope that you all enjoy them.  These are both great yummy treats to make up and share as gifts.  I still am having a hard time thinking that Thanksgiving is just over a week away.  Time sure flies by.  Enjoy it as it does. 

This first recipe is for some:


1 small potato
1 c shredded coconut
1 lb powdered sugar
1/2 teas vanilla
1/4 teas salt
2 squares of chocolate   (I just melt down some chocolate chips for this part)
small piece of butter

Boil potato until tender, mash and add sugar gradually.  Add salt, vanilla and coconut.  Grease an 8" pan.  Press mixture into pan.  Melt 2 squares of chocolate and add a small piece of butter to this.  Pour over potato mix and use the back of spoon to spread smoothly.  Allow to set. Cut into squares. 

These are yummy and my mom used to make these all the time. 


1 c molasses
1 1/2 c sugar
1 c crisco
1 tsp each; ginger, cloves and cinnamon
1 c hot water
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
4 c flour approx- sometimes it needs a little more or less

Put shortening , sugar and molasses in pan and heat until the shortening melts.  Cool a little.  Put baking soda and powder in a bowl.  Add hot water.  Pour into the first mixture.  Stir in the flour and spices.  Mix until the dough is stiff.  Cool in refrigerator.  Roll out onto floured surface and and sprinkle dough with sugar.  Cut with mouth of drinking glass or whatever cutter you desire.  Bake at 350 for 12-15 mins.  

These are the BEST molasses cookies you will ever taste...... of course I am a little partial to the tastes that I grew up enjoying.  That being said, I still feel like these are the best molasses cookies that you will ever make.  Give them a try.  They smell so delicious while cooking and they are a nice tender cookie with such a great molasses flavor.  Sit down with a cup of coffee, tea or milk and have a nice little treat before all the holiday rush starts!!!  

I hope that you all will enjoy these family recipes and maybe make them a part of your family's traditions as well.  Have a great afternoon and evening.  Now go get baking.  I am sure that you know someone that would just LOVE one of those goodies above!

How are your candy canes coming?  I hope to have part 3 by Friday or Monday the latest.

Warm and primitive blessings to you all!


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