Thursday, June 13, 2013


Good afternoon everyone.  It has been such a long time.  I have truly missed chatting on here about everything that goes on and sharing the recipes with you all.  I realize that it is not an excuse but, I think that you all understand that sometimes life just gets really busy and you just need to let some things go.  Unfortunately, in the last month and a half, I have had to let go of a few things that I really didn't want to but, had no control over them.  I could go on and on and bore you all to death with my problems but, the reality of it all is that we all have problems every day and they get to all of us.  And, at the end of the day you just want to relax and enjoy the blessings that surround us all.  So, I am going to blog today about some of the blessings that have happened in my life that I haven't shared over the last month and a half. 

First off, I hope that all the Veterans, all of the Moms, and all of the Graduates each of you, I hope that your day was special and blessed. 

For Mother's Day my sister gave me a beautiful Morning glory plant, one that someone in her horticulture group had planted in the early spring.  She bought it and brought it home and surprised me.  What a sweetheart she is.  I need to plant it outside still.  But, when I first got it we were getting rain and I was waiting for good weather.  When the good weather came I went to plant it outside and when I grabbed the plant it had started climbing and winding itself around everything over my kitchen sink and in the window.  It was so pretty that I couldn't take it down.  Since then, we have had almost nothing but rain.  Anyway, I did not know what this was going to look like when it blossomed but I didn't have to wait long to find out.  Here it is:

Isn't that just gorgeous?  I have had non stop blossoms ever since.  I just love it and it makes me happy every time I see it. 

Ok, so on to the next exciting thing that I missed blogging about;  Samantha went to prom!  And, she and I decorated her mask for it.  It was awesome and it was quite a transformation.  Unfortunately, I only got one picture of it while it was in progress. Oops!  I know, how unlike me!  LOL! Here is the picture of it that I did remember to take, while we were working on it. 

Alright, so we had a basic purple mask.  Samantha and her mom had picked up some white lace, and the accessories to go on it.  But, there was nothing white about her gown and all of her accessories were silver.  Her shoes, jewelry, nail polish, everything.  We had to make the lace silver.  So, Samantha says "let's just spray paint it".  I am thinking, I have never painted lace before but, ok.  It is amazing how things work out.  I had bought a can of a silver metallic spray paint in February.  I was going to make some heart necklaces and use that paint.  The dough sealed over the holes for the cord to go through so I never finished with them.  I did not know then that my paint would have a greater purpose.  Voila!  It worked.  And not just enough to get by with, It came out great!  So we attached the lace over the entire mask with some spray adhesive.  That was a messy job.  Thank goodness we thought ahead enough to cover the ribbons on the side with aluminum foil.  (No, they were not antenna)!  The hubs couldn't figure out what the aluminum foil was about!  LOL!  After the adhesive dried we folded the edges all around and glued to the back of the mask.  Cut the eye holes out and did the same for them.  This was not so easy to do with lace, but so worth it.  Then, it seemed like it needed a trim around the outside edges.  I found some kitchen twine and back to the old can of paint.  Yep, painted it up and then glued it around the edges and it looked great.  At this point, Samantha took it home and finished attaching all of her glittery accessories.  I think it came out fabulous and it was a great chance for us to bond.  Loved it!  Will miss her so much when she goes to college and starts moving on with her adult life.  Anyway, thought I would share some photos of her in her gown and all ready for prom.
No, this is not her ready for the prom.  This is her the afternoon she and her mom got back from shopping and found her dress.  She was so excited and I couldn't wait to see it.  Isn't she a cutie?! 

I think that this is the best close up picture that I have of her in her mask.  You can't see it the greatest but, it came out very nice.  The best thing about it was that no one else had one like it. 

Isn't her dress beautiful?  I love it. 

This is Samantha with my sister, and her Aunt Lori.  This is one of my favorite pictures.  Love them so much.

And, this one is of Samantha, the hubs, and myself.  I don't normally take pictures but, for her, well anything.  Love it though.

Ok, so some of you might be thinking enough already.  But, if it were not for Samantha I would probably not be blogging right now or even at all.  She bugs me and stays on my case until I finally blog.  And I love her for it.  She is also the one that changes the scenes on my blog and does any and all of the technical crap for me.  So, if I go on and on about her..... it is with good reason.  Love ya girl. 

I have so much more to tell but, it is nearing supper time and I need to be going.  I did want to let you all know that I got a Bliss cutter so that I can cut my own wool strips for rug hooking.  Oh my gosh, I am some kind of excited.  I can't wait to get started on a new rug.  I will be taking pictures to share soon.  As well as getting back to Temptation Tuesdays.  I may have been gone for a bit but that doesn't mean that I haven't been on Pinterest and trying some yummy recipes.  In fact tonight we are having a Reuben Casserole.  YUM!  And I can't wait. 

Thanks to all of you who pop in and have been stopping by to check and see if I have been back.  My apologies for not being here.  I hope to be getting back to normal with everything and back on here to stay in touch with you all.  Lots of love going out to each and every one of you.

Warm and primitive blessings to you all.


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