Thursday, December 13, 2012


Good morning everyone!  The sun is shining here brightly but, colder than cold out!  Love the sun though.  I am so sorry for not getting this post out to you all sooner.  It has been a crazy week, as usual!  And I am just plain....... slow!  So sorry again! :(  Anyway, I do have the recipe that I hope you are all anxiously awaiting...... The Gingerbread!  This is the one thing that I am awaiting most on Christmas day.  There is just something about this recipe that tastes like Christmas should, if that is possible.  I know, I am a little strange today but, it really does make me think of an Christmas's ago!  It is probably just me.  That seems to be the usual for me...... strange!  Okay, let's get to the recipe.


1 egg
1/2 c sugar
1 c molasses
1/2 c oil
                          mix these first four ingredients together in a separate bowl

2 c flour
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
2 tsp cloves
                        mix these six ingredients in another separate bowl

1 c boiling water

Mix the first mixture into the second mixture and add water.  Mix well.  Pour into a greased 9X13 pan.  Bake on 350* for 35 mins.


1 container heavy cream
1/2 c confectioners sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Whip the cream until it starts to stiffen.  Add the sugar and vanilla and continue whipping until peaks form. 

This recipe is so simple and delicious.  I hope that it starts to become a favorite traditional dessert in your families as it has in ours. 

I hope that you are all closer to being prepared for Christmas than I am.  My goodness it seems like it has just come so quickly.  I am not the least bit prepared.  Not a shocker to all of you seeing as how I am doing my Temptation Tuesday here on Thursday! LOL!!!!  So like me. 

Well, I must say good bye for now and get my butt moving.  I have to go to see my sister perform her bell ringing concert this afternoon.  I am so excited for her.  She will also be featuring her artwork as well.  She has completed five gorgeous paint by numbers and they are all going to be on display.  She is so happy!  Got to love that!!! ;PPPPPP

Warm primitive blessings to you all!


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