Thursday, June 27, 2013


Hello all.  I know it has been a while.  The story of my life, huh?!  I know that it is hectic this time of the year for everyone.  Us too.  Well, the Fourth is right around the corner.  I am trying to get planning on what we will be enjoying on that day.  As like everything else I do, it will most likely be a last minute decision and it will be fine.  I am thankful that we all just have a great time no matter what.  That is the best.  Looking forward to lots of great food and fun! 

I have been busy also with a new project.... we bought a used camper and I am trying to decorate and clean it when ever I have the free time.  Being on a budget and not having alot to spend I am making new curtains for it.  Guess what I am making them out of?  Kitchen towels!  Cool idea and very affordable.  My mom was telling me that when she and my dad were first married they had a small trailer and she desperately wanted curtains (she is/was an amazing decorator, with a love of curtains).  Well she took some towels and made her some curtains and they were perfect she said.  That got my wheels spinning for a while.  And, then like all good things in my head, it was gone.  I had decided that I wanted to do an Americana type of theme in the camper.  It is a 1989 and everything is the same in it as it was in 89.  The beautiful (ick) pink couch and the curtains are all ruffly and the same style.  Don't get me wrong, they were pretty if you like that style (my mom loved it).  I just prefer the more prim looking stuff.  Anyway, on Saturday I had to run in to a Tractor Supply store for some dog food and of course the hubs heads down to all of the tool stuff.  So, I go looking for him and in the center aisle I see a great display of Fourth of July stuff.  I looked at it and saw these bundles of kitchen towels and.... Aaaahhhh, the light bulb went on.  Thank God.  They were in packages of 3 for $5.99.  I got four packages and have over 3/4 of my curtains made.  I need a couple more of them to finish the curtains in the bedroom and bath and I would like to make some throw pillows out of them as well to put on the couch.  I will also need to buy a cover for the couch too.  Unless I can figure out a way to make one myself for a lot less.  Here are a few quick pics that I remembered to take as I was taking down the old ones;

See the beautiful pink couch?  And the blue silky type of curtain on top.  Not my thing.  It would work if it had to.  Thankfully it doesn't have to. 

This pic is of the kitchen.  It is the window on the left side. You can see the red checkered towels on the sideboard.  Those are the ones that I will be making for that window.

This is one of the bedroom windows.

This is the living room window across from the couch.  This one is going to just have a valance across the top because it has a nice blind underneath so, that is all I need for this one.  The valance will be the blue checkered print.

Yep, you guessed it the bathroom. 

I haven't had a chance to clean it out yet.  It isn't bad but, definitely can use a good once over.  I haven't hung the curtains I made yet because I want to clean everything first.  But, I did take a couple of quick shots of them on the rod just so I can give you an idea of what they look like. 

Alright, so don't you just love these?  I, so do!!!!  They came packaged in sets of red or blue.  I thought that they would look great all mixed up so this is what I came up with.

 This set of curtains will be over the couch.  It has the blue and white with stars on both sides and the red and tan stripes in the middle.  Both sides will be tied back and the middle section will also be tied and pulled in the center.

This set will be in the kitchen on the long window at the end.  I didn't get a before picture of that one.  This will have the red and white with stars on either end and the blue and tan stripes in the middle.  And they will be tied back the same as the living room. 

Kind of yucky pics cause they are not hung but, I hope to have some good pics of it all done by next week. 

I have so much to share but, always short on time.  I wanted to at least touch base with you all and let you know I haven't disappeared again.  I hope to be back tomorrow with a Temptation Tuesday for you.  I know, it's Friday but, I owe it to ya!  LOL!  So, I hope that you all have a good afternoon and evening and I will be back tomorrow.

Warm and Primitive blessings to you all.


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