Monday, July 1, 2013


Well, Happy Monday all!  I trust that you all had a nice week end.  Ours around here was good.  It was kind of productive.  Not in the ways that I had hoped for but still got things done around here and that was good.  I had hoped that I would have alot to share with you today but not as much as I had wanted.  I will show you the pictures I took of the camper with my kitchen towel curtains.  At least, the ones that I had done.  I had to go get more towels this week end so that I could finish up the curtains for the bathroom and the bedroom windows.  But, here's what is done;

When you first open the door and walk into the camper this is what you see.  Kitchen to the left and the living room to the right.  Further down to the right is the bathroom and then the bedroom.  Pretty standard but, it is our first camper.  Woot, Woot!! 

This is obviously to the far left in the kitchen.  So, what do you think of my curtains?  I think that they came out pretty good.  It just makes you proud when you put into it so much of yourself.  Hopefully I am not boring you all.  I just thought that if I showed you what you can do with $25 in kitchen towels, and if I can do it, anybody can.  I don't sew a straight line, I don't measure things to the exact, most of the time I don't pin the fabric down, so if I can do this, just imagine what you can do.  That is what I am trying to get across here. 

This is obviously off to the right in the kitchen.  My curtain rod is not hung on very good.  The wall brackets needed to be replaced and I didn't realize until I went to hang them.  Next trip to the store.

This is of the living room section.  Over the lovely PINK couch.  Yes, that is still something that I have to figure out as well.  But, the curtains look good.  What do you think of the little lanterns above?  I got them at Tractor Supply too!  When I went back for more of the towels, I spotted these in their clearance section.  What a steal for $6.99 each.  They are LED lights and they have a dimmer switch to turn them up or down.  They take a couple of batteries but, what fun!  Love them. 
This is across from the couch in the living room.  There is a small table/counter under this window.  The valance on this window needs one more towel but, that was all that I had done at the time and I was dying to see how they looked.  I think they all look great.  In the end, that is all that matters, right? 

And this picture here is showing you down the entryway to the bathroom and bedroom.  These two rooms still need to be washed down and finished cleaning, as well as yep, you guessed it.  The curtains.  I have already vacuumed and cleaned the bedroom for the most part.  Even got us some bedding at Wal mart.  Now is a great time to find some Patriotic bedding.  So, I am almost done with it.  I would like to say by the end of the week I should have it all done but, with the Fourth on Thursday and appointments, and with watching my nephews on Mondays and Tuesdays..... doesn't look promising.  But, I am gonna try. 

I wasn't very successful with tutorials and finishing projects this week end but, I am working on things to show you soon.  I will try to put them on here little by little.  Just be patient with me.  I know, if you are still checking in here, you are a very patient people.  Thanks for that. 

I am hoping to make a cover for my Bible that matches the prim look in my front room.  That is where I read it and the blue and green coloring just doesn't fit in so well.  I can fix that easy enough.  (I hope) LOL!  I also am planning on making some Pioneer dresses out of pillow cases that i picked up at Goodwill.  The free pattern is at Our Pioneer Homestead.  I will link you all there after I post it.  I also have a few other goodies that I want to get cracking on. 

There is one more thing that I want to share with you all today though.  I found this on Pinterest, duh?! It is a 52 week money challenge.  This sounded so cool when I pinned it.  Then I forgot about it until Nancy was looking at my pins and asked me about it.  Well, that brought it to my attention again and I printed it off and I am going to try it.  It sounds really neat.  If you are interested in it too, you can find it here:  

This starts off with you just putting in one dollar the first week and two dollars the second week and on the 52nd week you are putting in fifty two dollars.  At the end you will have saved $1,378.00  I think that is sweet.  I am starting mine this week and I will try to keep posting with you all to see how you are doing too.  Nancy had a great idea to start it on the week of her Anniversary and that way when it comes around next year they will have money to go somewhere they might like or do something special.  I think it is a great idea.  Thanks for reminding me of it again, Nancy.

See you all tomorrow.

Warm and primitive blessings to you all.



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