Monday, March 19, 2012


Good morning everyone.  I hope that you all had a wonderful week-end.  I did that  is for sure.  The weather is amazing.  I am so loving it.  Even though Fall is my most favorite season, I love seeing each new season come into itself.  And Spring is definitely one worth watching.  All the new life sprouting up everywhere.  Not to mention the birds, squirrels and other little creatures.  Each season promises something new and exciting for us all.  I hope that you all are enjoying it as well.

Guess what?  The eggs are done!  All 60 of them.  It's definitely a happy day in my house.  Before I show you my pic though I want to send out a special thank-you to Teri at White Sheep Farm.  If it wasn't for her I never would have tried these and therefore wouldn't have any to show you all either.  You can see the complete tutorial here:
She did a wonderful job with the tutorial. 

This was an awesome and fun tutorial.  I enjoyed it greatly.  I have to admit, I get real nervous about trying these tutorials in case I flub them up.  There is a little bit of anxiety that goes on before I start a new one but, I am telling you that these so far have been just great.  I would NOT recommend doing 60 the first time but, I did.  If I can, you can.  I am just saying, it kind of took some of the fun out of it at first so, for yourself just a little warning. LOL.  The part that was the worst for me was putting the mod podge and brown paper bag strips on----------took forever.  Not to mention that I literally was covered from head to toe with mod podge.LOL.  The rest of it was smooth sailing.  I was mostly afraid to do the wax part.  Turned out that, that was the easiest and part that added the most character to the eggs.  Who knew?!  Ok, shall we get started with the pics?  Here they are:

Aren't they pretty?  NOT!
We start off with these little beauties.  You know you can get these at Goodwill for next to nothing if they have any.  The day I went of course they had none.  I went to Wal-mart and bought a bag full for like 2 bucks.  Hence, the 60 eggs.

After you mod podge your eggs and put strips of ripped up paper bags on them they should look similar to this.  I left mine rough looking.  I like that but, you may not and you can smooth these out more if you wanted to.  You also can use newspaper or tissue paper or anything on that line depending on the texture you would like your eggs to have.  On the tutorial she showed the differences in the different papers used.  You can see that some are smoother looking but, she made her eggs with the bag strips smoother as well.  It clearly is just a matter of preference.  I loved the eggs at this stage and thought about not going any further.  Glad to say that I continued on to the next step.  However, my mother came in and I showed her these eggs------the look on her face was priceless.  If only I had my camera ready for that expression.  Needless to say, she is not much into primitives.  She has frequently said to me "we had to use stuff that looked like that!"  She does not enjoy taking that walk back down memory lane.  Sorry mom, I just love the way that this stuff makes your home feel warm.  And not to mention the stories that this stuff could tell if only it could talk.  Anyway, back to the eggs.  Next step was to paint.  I deliberated on this and then decided I would at least try just one.  After all I had enough to spare at least one, right?

WOW, did I love the way these looked now.  They looked like a chocolate egg that I would have loved to eat!!!
Look at how yummy!
Now, you gotta know that I am a big, no HUGE fan of chocolate.  To me these were perfect just as they are right now.  I debated over going any further with these because of 2 reasons:  1)my chocolate addiction and 2)my fear of failure.  The final step of this had made me decide that I wanted to keep my eggs just as they are.  How could they possibly look any better?  I knew that they could but, in my mind was the next set of steps really needed to make these look GREAT?  You decide.

At this point I really wasn't sure that I liked them as much. 
This was after I had just put mod podge and cinnamon on them.  I was really not liking them as well as I did the more chocolatey looking ones.  I also did not totally cover them in cinnamon.  I like it looking a little less uniform and so I tried putting it on with a little less coverage.  I don't think that it matters much either way, again, just personal preference.  At this point, I felt like I had to finish all the steps.  So. I made my egg dipper.

Don't laugh at it.  I worked hard on this little bugger! 
Okay, so I know it doesn't look very high tech but, that little thing worked perfect and it got the job done!  Are you ready for the big reveal?  Here they are.................and I LOVE them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not such a great picture but, there are more.
This one here is much better.
Still looking a little fuzzy.   Sorry about that.
I was trying to get an up close look.  They look so cool.  I love them and the photos are just not doing them justice.

These little babies are so sweet.  I am ecstatic that I not only completed them but, I absolutely love them.  I also have plenty to go around the house.  These are going to be popping up all over the place.  Look out mom!! LOL. 

I also saw on Teri's blog that she had done some beautiful eggs in a blue with some brown markings on them.  They look amazing so while you are there for the tutorial make sure to check out her eggs.  Be sure to sign up for her giveaway.  You could win them and the nest that she made to put them in.  It truly is beautiful.  I had to try some for myself.  I think that they turned out ok.  You check them out and see if you like them too.

I think that they look pretty sweet.  Do you like my bunny above?  I got that at the Goodwill for $1.99.  Can you believe it?  It looks like something that maybe a student learning to weld may have done in school.  Never know but, who would have gotten rid of such a cutie?  Hope that I never do.

I hope that you all enjoyed my jabberings today.  I want everyone to make some of these they are that fun and I think that every home needs some of these eggs sitting around for Easter.  Good day to you all. 

Warm primitive blessings to you all!


1 comment:

  1. The eggs came out great! I am making some also which my husband has started helping me...While i'm at work he's painting eggs...who would of thought? He says it really is a stress releaver.
