Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Good morning everyone. 
It's a little bit cooler here this morning but, it is said to be another gorgeous day today.  I will gladly take it.  This weather we have been having is amazing.  I hope that all of you out there are getting alot f the same.  Most of you usually are alot further along than we are usually.  Most of the time we see photos of trees and shrubs budding and blossoming while we are still getting the snow storms.  So, needless to say, loving this wicked good weather up here.

I have to make today's blog short and sweet.  So, that is literally what it is going to be.  With Easter right around the corner, I thought that a recipe for peanut butter fudge would taste good, I mean sound good right now.LOL.  I hope that you all enjoy this recipe. My mom has made this since I was a child. And probably even earlier than that.  All I know is that for as long as I can remember, this was the fudge that we all enjoyed.  I hope that you all do as well.  Have a wonderful day today and I will try to catch up with you all later this week.


2 Tbsp butter
2 C sugar                      Boil these for 3 mins.  Do not stir while boiling.
1/2 C milk       

1 C peanut butter
2 Tbsp marshmallow fluff           Add to sugar mix.  Stir in quickly--this will harden fast.
1 Tbsp vanilla

Pour into a buttered pan.  Usually an 8x8 or something similar in size will do. 

helpful hints:  When you boil the sugar mix, start timing it from the minute you see little bubbles start to form.  Don't wait until it comes to a full boil--it will harden on you. 
                        While my sugar mix is boiling I measure all the other ingredients out and have them ready to mix in as soon as the timer goes off. 
                         Also, make sure that your pan is buttered ahead of time as well.

This recipe is very easy, you just want everything ready, when you are.  I hope that you all make it and enjoy it as much as we do.

Primitive blessings to you all.

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