Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Hello everyone!  

I honestly didn't think that I would be gone sooooooo long.  I am truly sorry for the long hiatus.  I had gotten truly discouraged with my old camera and didn't feel like I was doing any good just jabbering on here.  Then I had stupidly downloaded a bunch of malware and my computer was really messed up and when I got it back I really didn't even want to bother with it for a while.  I guess I just decided to pout and feel bad for myself for a while.  Along with the rush of the holidays, and then everything just stops and it was like, what do I do now?!  Well, thanks to my family and friends, I am back.  I had not even looked to see if anyone had been on here looking for me.  I just stopped.  Thanks to some encouragement and a new little camera, I hope to get things back and be better at it this year. :) 

So, not a lot has changed around here.  We have been getting snow...... every day!  And still in the forecast for the week ahead.  WOW!  The good thing is that it melts so quickly now.  I love it!  You get to see it snowing and feel like you are on the inside of a snow globe that has just been shaken, and then within hours it has almost completely melted.  The best of both worlds.   I also have found Pinterest!  That is the greatest.  I cannot pull myself away from it.  Too much to look at and I want to make everything that I see.  I never have time to because I am too busy still looking at more.  What a vicious cycle. LOL!  I just printed off some free patterns for cross stitch and needle punch.  I haven't done one of those in a long while.  Actually either of them.  I hope that you have all been busy crafting.  And I am pretty sure that I am probably one of the last Pinterest followers but, amazing.  I just love it.  I will have to step away from it though so that I can craft on my patterns now.  Then I will have something to show with you. 

I would also like to continue on with Temptation Tuesday even though I sometimes slip up and post it later in the week.  OOPS!  Sometimes I just forget.  I do not have a great memory and that procrastination--- if only they could make a pill for that! LOL!  The recipes going forward would have to be some that I come across from, oh I don't know maybe Pinterest!  I already shared my family favorites that I have, but, I have come across some new ones that are either yummy looking or very easy to make.  I have recently tried some too and I would like to use those.  Hopefully this might help some of you that work out of the home and do not have the time to look at Pinterest alot. 

I can tell you that I have missed blogging with you all and it seems nice to have this chat with you all again. 

I wanted to share a few photos to show you some of what I have done and been enjoying.  I hope that you all enjoy these as well.      

Alright, this is a little lap quilt that my sister had ordered and tried to do for herself.  It was very difficult for her to do (only able to use one hand) so, I took it and cross stitched it for her.  Now, I know that there are people that can do this stuff and do it quickly and beautifully.  I worked on this little bugger for over a year!  Not constant.  I get bored if I work on something for too long.  I think that is why I start a lot of projects and they never get finished.  My goal is to try and finish projects that I start now or have started in the past.  This was priority one!  Nailed it!!!!!!  I hate to do the outlining at the end of the project.  It seems like it takes forever and I just want it to be done so I procrastinate (hard to believe, I know) it as long as I can!  What a shame!  It is the easiest part and didn't take half as long as I thought that it would.  Here is another photo of it at a different angle, I didn't have anyone around to hold it up for me so it is lying down on the counter top.

My sister loves her two cats, Chloe and Pepper.  And she is the reason that I love watching the birds so much.  She knows alot of their names just by listening to their song.  I think that is awesome.  I am extremely happy that this little quilt is done now.  She says that she doesn't want to use it she wants to hang it on the wall by her bed.  Now, I have to figure out how I shall do that! 

This is a little stitchery that I had seen the saying done up like this in a magazine.  I could not afford one so, I copied the saying using my own handwriting and stitched it up.  I love the saying and it was a quick stitch.

I had taken these two photos before the new camera so sorry for the blurrr.  This was a quick stitchery that I had gotten the pattern for a long time ago.  I really love this one too!  I also tea stained these and baked them up.  I love how they got a little darker in some places more than others. 

I was trying to show you all a look at the snow globe that I was looking out of the other night!  I cannot believe how big the snowflakes look in the pictures.

It was really beautiful out there. 

I guess that I thought you all would like a nice shot of my doggies play area!  Consider yourselves lucky that there is snow on the ground out there if ya know what I mean!

Speaking of the (little) devils, here is a picture of Jackson!  He has put on quite a bit of weight since we first got him.  That is a good thing.  Just look at that face!  And, to answer the most frequently asked question, Yes, he does drooooooooooool!   ALOT!
This picture was just taken.  I wanted to show my husband that Kayzer and Jackson shared the same space.  As you can see by the expression on Kayzer, he is not at all thrilled about this whole deal.  He is not very fond of Jackson but we are trying to make things work with them.  This looks like it might be getting a little bit better.  As you can also see, Jackson is not the one with the issues.  He just wants to sleep! LOL!

Thought that I would show you some of my outdoor babies as well.  This is a baby Blue Jay.  I tried to get a good picture of him but, every time I would snap it he would put his head down to get a piece of seed.  This was one of the better shots but, you can't see the tuft on his head in this one.

I love this picture!  The Blue Jay on the feeder, and the male Cardinal on the branch next to the female.  The beak on the female looks almost orange.  She is a duller coloring but, her shades are absolutely gorgeous.  But, when he is around, nothing else will get your attention, he is so beautiful.
Again, the male and the female.  They are waiting for a chance at the food because of the squirrels.

And there he is again.  I just wanted to keep taking pictures of him.

This big guy is one of the reasons the birds have to sit back and wait for their food.  I still love them though.  I think that they are so entertaining and fun to watch as well. 

I hope that I haven't bored you all too much.  I really enjoyed sharing the photos and projects and now I can't wait to share some recipes with you all too! 

Enjoy the rest of your day and I will be chatting with you all soon.  I hope to have some more stuff to share with you all as well.  I hope that the weather where you are is as pleasant as you want it to be.  And enjoy it all because Spring is on it's way!!!!!!

Warm and primitive blessings to you all!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much to my special Summer Love! <3 You are the best inspiration and drive for me! Love ya lots!
