Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Good afternoon everyone!  I don't know what it looks like outside your windows but, mine it looks like winter---not spring!  It is beautiful but, I am so ready for spring.  I wanted to share some pictures with you all today.  I had a little time this past week end to work on my needle punch so there is a little change and I thought that I would share where it is at right now;
I love it so far.  This is such a fun craft but, like everything else it takes a little time.  I have to mix strands of colors so it takes a little more time than if you were just using one color each time.  I love the flowers in this, it truly makes me want spring even more.  I am obviously working on his legs right now.  When I get back to work on it.  I thought that you might like to see the change in it as I progress.  (No matter how slowly that may be.  LOL)! 

The next thing that I wanted to show you all was a photo of my studded pears.  I had never heard of them either but, I saw them on Marly's blog here;  and I loved the idea and look of them.  First off, it doesn't get any cheaper than a couple of pieces of fruit for a craft.  And, hers were so awesome looking.  They are pretty low maintenance too while you are making them so, I had nothing to lose but some pears.  Here they are:

I wanted to show you a close up of the cloves studded in the actual pear.  By the way, the cloves were a little pricey.  You need whole cloves and I did not have a chance to get to the health food store (I am obviously Not a frequent flyer there).  When I do get a chance to go in, all of their spices are always fresher and cheaper so it definitely pays to go.  I just eat poorly!  Here is another picture of them on display;

They look awesome with the sugar cone that I made from last year.  I love it when I can create a display with things that I have made myself.  That makes them so much more special. 

These pears were so easy to make.  A little time consuming but, not at all strenuous.  All you do is poke your whole cloves in and leave space enough in between the first and next clove the size of another clove.  That way when the pear dries and starts to shrink, it wont pop out any of your cloves.  The most important thing to remember was to keep moving them around and making sure that they were dry on bottom.  I kept mine on a paper plate with some paper towels under them.  I just kept changing out the towels and plates as needed.  You can also mold them to stand after a day or so, and shape them a little too.  As they dry they get easy to form.  Marly gave more in depth information than I did but, I wanted to quickly share these with you today. 

On Monday I got to go to one of my favorite junkin' spots, Elmer's Barn.  I went with one of my SIL.  I just picked up a couple of small goodies but, I thought that I would show you anyway. 

I grabbed a bunch of these little bobbins.  I thought that I would be able to make up some make-do's using these.  And at .50 each, I figured worst case they will look good in a bowl in my sewing room.

I have a THING for old rusty colanders.  I don't know why and my mother thinks that I am insane.  LOL!  I just love the looks of them.  When I first started picking them up I had no idea what I was going to do with them.  After looking around the house I figured hanging them up would work well.  At that time I had No idea of Pinterest.  I have seen on there though that they took an old colander and made a hanging lamp out of it.  (pretty much used the colander as the shade).  It looked awesome.  You never know, if that just right extra special one comes along, I just might have to make one for myself and maybe even a second one for mom!  LOL!!!!   Here is a photo of the ones that I already have hanging.  Now I just need one more to complete this display.  Just another excuse to keep junkin'.  (sorry if I have already shown you these)

Do ya see the gaps in between the third and the middle colander and the gap between the middle and the fifth colander.  Those holes need to be filled.  Well, now only one needs to be.  YAY!

The last little goodie that I picked up was a homemade stuffed puppy.  I love my dogs and this one is no exception.  It looks old and had a hole in it from wear.  I haven't found the perfect spot for him but, I will soon.  Here he is;
I just couldn't leave him behind.  That was all I got.  We were pressing our luck on time and will go back another day.  Hopefully I will remember to bring camera for pics. 

Now, last night I shared with you all that I had just received something from Nancy.  I wanted to show you that pic as well.  It is a petrified pineapple.  She said that she just let it dry out on top of her microwave from August (I think) until now.  I couldn't believe it.  Why?  I don't know.  I have seen tutorials on preserving them by hollowing them out and drying in your oven but, I never have tried it.  In no way would I have ever thought to just let it sit and do it's thing on it's own.  It is light as a feather and really cool.  Here ya go;

Yes, that is the tag still on it.  I wanted to show it.  Afterwards, I cut off the tag and remember at the beginning of the blog when I showed my display that I had made myself?  When I said there is nothing better than a display that you make yourself.... well, there is something better.  When you add something someone else did for you, it looks even better!  Thanks Nancy.  I love it!

I think it looks pretty neat all together like that. 

I hope that you have a good evening, and enjoyed the pics today.  I am not feeling too great so I will talk with you all soon.  Hopefully more pics and I hope to tackle a tutorial from Pinterest.  Yay! 

Warm and primitive blessings to you all!


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