Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Good morning everyone!  I had hoped to be on here again last week but, you all know how that goes.  Same old, same old!  Anyway, I sure did enjoy the weather yesterday but, it doesn't look like we are going to get sun again for a while.  Oh well.  It is definitely nice though to have the daylight for longer.  It was so awesome to have it still light outside at 7:00 the past few nights.  I hope that you are all enjoying it too!  Well, I have to make today's post a short one.  I need to leave early this morning for an appt. so I guess I should just get right to the recipes.  I am quite positive that you all wont mind.  LOL!

With Easter on it's way I thought that I would share a couple of sweet recipes that I have found on Pinterest for fudge.  Okay, I know that I shared my peanut butter fudge recipe with you all but, if I had known how simple and basic that making fudge could be...... needless to say, I would have spared you all the ingredients and time.  (I would have spared alot for myself as well)!  But, now I know and maybe you all already know these but, I didn't.  And to me these are the next best thing to peanut butter.  And you all know where I stand with the peanut butter!  <3  Alright, so here's the magic recipes:

I got this recipe from here:  http://realmomkitchen.com/9290/foolproof-peanut-butter-fudge/  


1 tub of vanilla frosting
1 3/4 c of peanut butter

Line 9X9 pan with foil and set it aside.  In microwave bowl add tub of frosting and peanut butter.  DO NOT STIR!!!!!  Microwave for 1 minute.  Stir until well combined and smooth.  Pour into pan and spread until even.  Refrigerate until firm.  Cut into squares. 

RIGHT!!  Unbelievable.  And it tasted awesome!  You would never know that there was a tub of frosting in that.  However, knowing that there was..... made it that much yummier to me! LOL!

Okay let's see if you all can handle this next recipe.  It is a little more hands on and takes a bit longer so just rest up for it.  I got this recipe from a search engine when I typed in two ingredient fudge.  I unfortunately didn't save the address.  Sorry for that but if you type that in, you will get lots of recipes for the fudge.  I happened to get this one:


10 or 12 oz pkg chips (chocolate, peanut butter, dark chocolate, mint, butterscotch whatever flavor
                                                                           that you want)
tub of frosting (16oz)  again, this is whatever flavor you want your fudge to be
vanilla or any flavor extract to go with the flavor fudge that you are making

Place your chips in a microwave safe dish and melt for 90 seconds ( I pulled mine out and stirred the chips at about the halfway point).  Take out of microwave.  I stirred mine until smooth at this point.  Then you add the tub of frosting.  DO NOT STIR!!!!!  Microwave for another 90 seconds.  Add dash of salt and extract.  Mix well.  (You need to be fast on this recipe because once it starts to harden, it will lock up on you and you will not be able to pour into the dish).  Just saying!  Pour into a buttered 8X8 or 9X9 pan.  Refrigerate until firm.  Remove and cut into squares.

I have tried both of these recipes and love them both.  The first one so far is My favorite but the hubs likes the second recipe best.  I do like that you can make all kinds of flavors of fudge with the second recipe.  I would like to make him a triple layer fudge, with the chocolate layer on bottom the vanilla layer in the middle and the strawberry layer on top sprinkled with coconut like those old fashioned candies.  You could easily do it with this recipe.  Or, you could make a chocolate layer and then a layer of white frosting with white chips and coconut extract and put almonds in the chocolate layer for like a Mounds flavor fudge.  There are endless possibilities with this recipe.  Unfortunately after trying alot (and I mean alot of these yummy recipes) my sugar has gone up, so I have to stop testing All of the possibilities for a while.  But, I can still give you all ideas!

There is another recipe for one more type that I didn't get a chance to try.  YET.  But, I wanted to share with you all.  It's another easy recipe and different ingredients.  Looks yummy and I cannot wait to try a piece of this one......... someday.  Ok, so I got the recipe here:   http://bakedfromabox.blogspot.ca/2012/07/cake-batter-fudge-10-minute-recipe.html 


1 c cake mix
1 c confectioners sugar
1/2 stick butter, cut into small cubes
1/4 c milk
sprinkles/rainbow jimmies

Mix cake mix and confectioners sugar in microwave bowl.  Add butter and milk---DO NOT STIR!  Microwave for 2 minutes.  Stir immediately until completely combined.  Add sprinkles.  Do not over mix with the sprinkles or the color will bleed.  Spread into buttered pan.  Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.  This looks delicious! 

Well that is it for today's recipes.  I hope that you all can enjoy them.  I cant wait to try out the last one and make up some variations of the middle recipe as well.  The one thing that keeps bugging me though is------- what happens if you stir?????  I mean it is driving me insane.  So, if I don't mention trying it sometime in the near future and one of you do-please let me know what happens if you stir!  LOL! 

I hope that you all have a wonderful day and go out and make some fudge for someone you love.  C'mon it only takes a minute.  Enjoy.

Warm and primitive blessings to you all!


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