Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Good evening everyone!  I know that it is getting late but, it is still Tuesday and I wanted to get at least one good recipe on here for you all.  It has snowed here all day and is supposed to get worse throughout the night.  YUCK!   I am ready for Spring!  I hope that you all have had a good day.  Most everyone that I know had today off due to the weather. 

It has been a long day here for me today.  We got Kayzer fixed yesterday and he has been a bit of a job since.  First off, they pulled a tooth while he was under and they removed a mass that was by that tooth.  They had already looked at it and said that it was nothing, just be better for him if it were gone.  Okay.  While they were removing that they noticed on the roof of his mouth that there was another one only larger and black.  Yay!  They have sent it out to the lab to find out if it is cancerous.  How nice?!  I should know by Friday.  Second, the lovely hat/collar/cone.  Kayzer was not treated very well as a pup and no matter how long I have had him there is just no getting him over that.  Therefore, anything new/different------ SCARY!  He was in such a state of panic with it on.  It broke my heart.  So, long story-short, I was up all night with him.  Did not sleep more than a couple hours tops, done in maybe 5 minute intervals.  Not trying to lay a sob story on ya but figured that I would explain the delay in todays blog.  It has been a day. 

So, I shall get to the point and share the recipes that I picked out for you all for today.  I wanted to share again some that I have tried and we really enjoy.  For the first one, these little sweeties are so yummy and I really enjoy that you have to make them ahead of time because then when you are ready to bake they are too.  Love that!   Oh, and they are originally called Funeral Sandwiches on Pinterest here:  http://www.sundaybaker.net/2010/12/funeral-sandwiches-nothing-mournful.html   but, I decided that they deserved a better name and I have nick-named them Fun Sandwiches.  When you tell people that they are Funeral Sandwiches, um- let's just say you get some looks!  LOL!  So to me from here on in they are:


1 pkg Hawaiian sweet rolls --I found mine at the Wal-Mart and I bought the dinner rolls, they are   
                                               the ones that were pictured on Pinterest.
1# ham-  I like shaved ham, it covers more and was just about perfect for the whole pkg of rolls
1/4# Swiss cheese- sliced thin- I broke my slices up to fit on each roll. 
1/2 c butter-melted
3 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 Tbsp mustard
2 Tbsp brown sugar
onion powder or finely diced onion-- I would definitely say to use the finely diced onion.  They are so good when you get little bites of onion on this tasty little sandwich. 

Cut your rolls in half and make into ham and cheese sandwiches.  Put in baking pan.  I used a cookie sheet and I also sprayed mine lightly with non stick spray.  The sauce is sticky and I don't like to have to scrub a pan for hours. 

Mix remaining ingredients.  Pour all over sandwiches.  (I also put a little spooning of sauce on the buns before I make them into sandwiches.  The first time I made them they were good but, it seemed like they would have tasted better if some of the sauce was in the sandwich with the meat and cheese.  It is all personal preference but, I like it saucy).   Cover the sandwiches tightly and let sit in refrigerator for 4 to 24 hours.  Bake at 350*, UNCOVERED for 15 mins or until cheese is melted. 

This is my short hand version of the actual recipe.  If you would like a more clearer and precise version go to the link above.  Just make sure to give these a try, they are really delicious. 

The second recipe is also another that we have tried and love.  These are found here:  http://umamigirl.com/2009/11/salt-and-vinegar-broiled-fingerling-potatoes.html  If you like the deliciousness that is salt and vinegar, then this is the recipe for you.


1# fingerling potatoes, sliced lengthwise to 1/4" thickness  (I used regular potatoes and just cut them  
                                                  the same size as what the finger lings would have been).
2 c white or malt vinegar
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper

In a small pot, combine the potato slices and vinegar.  Bring to a boil and then lower the heat and simmer until fork tender, about 8 mins.  (mine took a little longer).  Let cool in the vinegar for 30 minutes.  Then drain well and pat potatoes dry with paper towels. 

Preheat the broiler with a rack about 6" below the heat source.  Dump the potato slices onto a sheet pan, sprinkle very generously with olive oil, salt and pepper, and toss to coat.  Arrange the potato slices in a single layer.  Broil until lightly browned on top, about 7 mins.  Then, flip the slices and broil the underside for about 5 mins more to brown that side too.  Serve warm. 

Oh my holy yumminess!   Love these! 

I am going to leave now and I hope to be back on tomorrow with another update for ya on all the other stuff I wanted to share with you all but, I can hardly type at this point.  Plus, I will share a picture of a special goodie that I was just handed about 5 mins ago from my sweet friend Nancy.  I can't wait to show you and tell ya all how she did it. 

Warm primitive blessings to you all.


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