Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Hello again everyone.  So sorry that I have been missing in (out of) action.  I was quite busy the last few weeks with appointments for myself, mom and sister, and then I ended up getting a nasty cold.  I had all I could do to just get up and get through the day, let alone, do anything more.  I am feeling much better now and I have been busy outdoors today.  Oh my gosh it feels so nice to have the sun out and shining down.  Loving it!!!!!!  I did not work on crafts though.  You would have thought, what a great time to but, I really felt yucky and had no desire to even move.  Sorry!  I was hoping to get things rolling too.  They are on there way, at least I would like to think so!  LOL!

I do have a recipe for today that I definitely want to share with you all.  I got the recipe off Pinterest from here:  http://www.justgetoffyourbuttandbake.com/?p=984    

My husband flipped over this.  It combines his favorites;  broccoli and chicken.  I just couldn't go wrong.  You need to give this recipe a try.  A quick week night supper and you can even make it ahead of time and pop it in the oven when you are ready for supper.  Love that!


1 lb fresh broccoli, break into pieces and cook ( I cook my broccoli until it is soft.  That is the way we like ours.  Cook it the way you enjoy it).
3 c cooked chicken breasts broke up into pieces---I bought a rotisserie chicken and used that.  I also poured some of the juices that were in the container of the chicken, over the chicken in the 9X13 pan.I feel like this added a lot more of the chicken flavor to the dish. 
3 c grated cheddar cheese, divided
2 tubes of Ritz crackers
1 stick melted butter
1 Tbsp poppy seeds
1/3 c butter, melted
1/4 c cornstarch, dissolved in 1/2 c COLD water
1/3 c chicken stock
salt and pepper
2 c milk
1 1/2 c of above cheddar cheese

In a greased 9X13 pan, layer the broccoli and chicken (this is where I poured the chicken juices right over the top), then set pan aside.
In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the melted butter, cornstarch dissolved in water, chicken stock, salt and pepper, and milk.  Stir well, and continue stirring until the sauce has thickened. Turn heat down to low, and add 1 1/2 c cheese.  Stir until melted.  Pour over the chicken and broccoli.  Top with the remaining 1 1/2 c cheese.  Melt the butter, and then add the poppy seeds and stir well.  Crush the Ritz crackers but, not too fine.  Add the crackers to the butter and poppy seed mix, and mix well.  Sprinkle the crumbs all over the top of casserole. 
Bake uncovered at 350* for about 30 minutes or until hot and bubbly.

As I said above this was quick and easy and we all loved it.   Here is a picture of how mine came out:

Just looking at it again, makes me want to make one up tonight!  YUMMMMMM!

See how cloudy that picture is?  That's because I took the picture as soon as it came out of the oven and that was the first scoop out while it was steaming.  Super delicious. 

So, the next thing is, I thought that maybe I would send you on a mission to kind of a surprise for the second recipe?  I don't know if that sounds like fun to you or if you all want me to continue posting the two recipes.  If you could take some time and send me some feed back that would be great.  Just leave a comment if you like this idea or if you would like me to go back to doing it the same old way that I have been.  For today I am going to send you to a post for something for your dessert.  You can find it here:       http://lifessimplemeasures.blogspot.com/2011/08/white-out-cake-and-birthday-re-do.html     Alright so, I know that it kind of tells you what the recipe is but, you still need to go there to see how scrumptious it looks.  I am thinking that I need one of these soon!  YUMMY!  Don't forget to let me know how you all like the Surprise thing or not.  Thanks, it is much appreciated.  Plus, I don't feel like I am just talking to myself here...... that could get a little scary.  LOL! 

Thought that I would share two more picture of Samantha and her brother who I don't think I have ever posted a picture of, Cole.  He is a very handsome and smart young man and I am very proud to be his aunt.  These two come over to our house almost every week end to play games (board/card) with my sister, their aunt Lori.  She doesn't get out much due to her disability.  So for them to come over, as teenagers, and spend time with their aunt........ Wow, do I have to say anything else?????  That is some pretty good kids.  And yes, I am partial but I think they are really special and they are going to have some really special memories to keep with them forever!!!!!  Love you both with all my heart.   Here is the picture of Cole, Samantha and Jackson (can't forget him);

   ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~                             SMILE                                      ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Well, I hope that you all have a wonderful evening and if you didn't get a chance to get out and enjoy the weather today, I hope that you get a chance to tomorrow. 

Warm and primitive blessings to you all!


Thursday, April 18, 2013


Hello all!  I hope that you have all been well.  So sorry that I am a bad blogger.  Those of you that know me have grown to expect the delay.  And for anyone new looking on ........beware.  I have really been busy as I am sure you all have been too.  No excuses, I know.  So, I have a few things to share with ya and then I will get right to the recipes. 

First thing, my sisters birthday was on Tuesday and I just wanted to send one last Happy Birthday to Lori this year! I tried to get a picture of my nephews at the little party we had for Lori but, one little fella just wouldn't cooperate.  Here's the pics anyway;

The lovely young lady sitting at the left is my mom.  The small get together was nice but we were missing some of the family that we wish could have been there with us too.  :(

Next, you all have come to know and love my niece Samantha with me.  She has made me so proud.  Over the last year she has lost over 50 pounds and looks fantastic!  Samantha--- I am so proud of you girl.  Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do and you are nailing it!  Keep up the good work.  Ok, so she also has prom coming up and just went out to get her prom dress  I got a couple pictures of her before the dress gets a few changes made to it by her great grandmother (which is special all by itself).  She has given me permission to post these pics now so here goes:

Isn't she beautiful?!  And if you think that, that face and smile are amazing, you should meet her and see what her personality is like.  Oh yeah, we were supposed to be showing the dress right?  Sorry, just a proud aunt.  I just can't help myself.  Here's the other picture of the whole gown;

Love it!  I can't wait to see her all decked out on her prom night.   So, so, so proud of ya! 

Alright so it's time to move on from my bragging to my recipes.  I do hope that you all enjoyed the pics though.  I like to share some every now and then.  For the recipes, I have one that is a Pinterest recipe that I have tried and have a picture of and the other is for something that I threw together for a quick supper the other night.  It is clearly nothing spectacular but, it is simple and it was delicious.  In fact, the hubs and Lori have both requested it again soon.  Lucky me.  It is that easy!  So, I will start off with the easy one;


2 cans of tuna fish, drained
1 pkg crescent rolls
4 slices cheese
4 slices bacon, cooked and halved
Worcestershire sauce
garlic powder
onion, chopped fine

I take the drained tuna and dump into a bowl.  Shred the tuna a little.  I don't like the big chunks of tuna (leave it chunky if that is the way you prefer it).  I then add a couple of good splashes of the Worcestershire sauce on top of tuna.  Okay, so I like Worcestershire sauce alot so, I add alot.  Again, personal preference.  I then add a squirt of mustard on top.  I would guess about 2 teaspoons.  I started adding these extras to the tuna to help cut back on the mayo.  I thought that it was smart but, really it ended up being more tasty than the plain old tuna that I used to make.  Then I add the mayo.  I did not specify an amount on this because people vary when it comes to mayo.  Use what you would like.  Mix that all up.  Then sprinkle with garlic powder and dill.  I use the kind that you get in the squirt tube, that you find in with the fresh veggies.  I love it because it stays fresh in your refrigerator and lasts alot longer than if I bought fresh dill.  I used about a Tbsp., again I love dill.  Add according to your likes and dislikes.  Then I mix in the onion. 

Once the tuna is all blended together, I roll out the crescent dough.  I cut the cheese slices in half diagonally so that they would sit on the crescent triangle shape.  Add the piece of bacon and then top with a scoop of tuna.  Roll up the roll as you would for the crescent and bake according to the roll directions on the package.

Serve these up with a nice green salad and you have a quick and yummy supper.  Sorry I didn't remember a picture of these.  But, they were simple and delicious so you can imagine what they looked like and if you can't imagine what they look like you can make a batch up for yourself.

This next recipe is the one that I found on Pinterest here: http://www.plainchicken.com/2013/01/cheesy-honey-mustard-chicken.html.  This one is for;


4 boneless chicken breasts
3/4 c honey
1/2 c Dijon mustard
1 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp paprika
lemon pepper to taste
4 Tbsp bacon, cooked and chopped   I used already cooked bacon slices and broke it into pieces
1 c shredded mozzarella cheese    I didn't have any so I used slices of Cabot sharp cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 375*

Season chicken breasts with lemon pepper.  Place in a 9X13 pan coated with non stick spray.
Combine honey, mustard, lemon juice and paprika.  Pour over chicken.   Bake for 20-25 mins. 
Top each chicken breast with bacon and cheese.  Continue to bake until cheese is starting to melt-- about 10 minutes. 

This was so tasty.  The honey and mustard combination along with the bacon and cheese on top all melty good....... yum!   Here is a picture of mine:

Oh my word, they are making me crave them again just looking at them.  The hubs said he loved these.  He is a big chicken eater.  So this was over the top for him.  The chicken not only had a great flavor but, it was so juicy too.  Yum!  Definitely on my menu again soon. 

I also have started roasting my sweet potatoes.  I had never done it before with sweet potatoes, only with the white ones.  I chopped them up and baked them in the oven with olive oil and salt and pepper.  Do the same thing with your sweet potatoes and they are super delicious.  I cook mine on  425*  for about 20 mins or so and then turn down to about 350* and finish them off.  I like mine a little on the darker side.  The browner they get, the sweeter they taste.  Anyway, I took a picture of those as well and they were delicious with they chicken and some sweet peas.  It was a yummy supper all the way around. 

Well that is all for today.  I hope you all enjoyed the pics and recipes.  Make sure that you give them a try.  They are both very good and easy.  I also premade the chicken recipe earlier in the day and let it sit in the fridge until I was ready to cook it off.  That was another bonus. 

Warm primitive blessings to you all.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Good morning everyone!  Well, it's kinda yucky and rainy out but, still has the potential for being a good morning.  I hope that all of you had a nice Easter.  We definitely did.  I got wrapped up in appointments and preparation for Easter and well, you all know how I am.  I was informed that I needed to get back on and get to posting (Samantha) ....  here goes.  LOL!!!  Somebody has to keep me in line and accountable. 

So, I got this new tablet and have found that I enjoy beating the candy crush game quite a bit, I liked 4 pics one word until it got a bit difficult and frustrating, and I as of last night finally learned how to use the Kindle.  WOW!  I love that little thing.  But the downside of it is that it is one more distraction for me.  Yeah, like I need one.  I know but, it is soooooo enjoyable. 

I wanted to show you a photo of the hubs and Jackson.  That dog has bonded with him so much it is crazy.  You can see in the picture!

Gotta love it!  Love it, love it, love it.    And, now for a picture of all three of my babies together;

They were all lying in the same position but, Jackson always move when you get the camera out and it is hard to snap a picture of him when you want it.  I thought that I would show a couple more pictures of my red fellow too!  I just saw him again yesterday out at the feeders as well but here are a couple pictures I got a little bit ago;

Isn't he so handsome?!

I really enjoy seeing him on the white bowl eating.  Absolutely beautiful. 

Ok, so now on to the recipes.  For today I selected one recipe that I made for Easter and we all loved!  It was a real fun one.  And the other recipe is for a cake.  I have tried both of them and loved them both.  I actually got a picture of one.  I am trying to get pics so that I can show you how they turned out.  The first recipe is for the cake and I got the recipe from here: http://www.keyingredient.com/recipes/107929/pioneer-womans-strawberry-shortcake-cake/   and it is for a;

(OK, so I was drawn to the recipe because of the word cake in the name twice, I couldn't help myself)

1 1/2 c flour
3 Tbsp corn starch
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
9 Tbsp unsalted butter, room temp
1 1/2 c sugar
3 large eggs, room temp
1/2 c sour cream, room temp
1 tsp vanilla

1 pkg cream cheese, room temp
2 sticks unsalted butter, room temp
3 c powdered sugar, sifted
1 tsp vanilla
1 lb strawberries

Preheat oven to 350*
Sift together flour, salt, baking soda, and corn starch.  In the bowl of an electric mixer, cream 9 Tbsp of butter with the sugar until light and fluffy.  Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition.  Add sour cream and vanilla and mix well.  Pour into a greased and floured 8" cake pan.  Bake at 350* for about 45 mins or until no longer jiggly.  Note; the cake does bake to a very dark golden brown. 
Remove from cake pan as soon as you pull it from the oven, and place it on a cooling rack.  Allow it to cool completely. 
Stem strawberries and slice them in half from bottom to top.  Place into a bowl and sprinkle with 3 Tbsp of sugar.  Stir together and let sit for 30 mins.  After 30 minutes, mash the strawberries in two batches and sprinkle each batch with 1 Tbsp of sugar and allow to sit for another 30 mins.

Make icing;
Combine cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, vanilla, and a dash of salt in a mixing bowl.  Mix until light and fluffy.
Slice cake in half through the middle.  Spread strawberries evenly over each half (cut side up), pouring on all of the juices.  Place the cake halves into the freezer for 5 mins, just to make icing easier.
Remove from the freezer.  Use a little less than 1/3 of the icing to spread over the top of the strawberries on the bottom layer.  Place the second layer on top.  Add 1/2 of the remaining icing on top of the strawberries, spreading evenly.  Use the last of the icing to do around the sides of the cake.

Leave plain or garnish with strawberry halves.  IMPORTANT:  Cake is best when served slightly cool.  The butter content in icing will cause it to soften at room temperature.  For best results, store in the fridge.

TIPS:  I made mine with a hand held mixer so, if that is all you have, it will work fine. 
           There was a lot of cake batter for the 8" pan.  Mine overflowed in the oven.  I would recommend making a small child size cake, (tuna can washed out works good), along with the 8" pan.  Either that or use a mini loaf pan for a little of the cake mixture.  I wish that I had known before. 
            I also mashed up my strawberries ahead of time.  I made them up a day or so before.  They were just sweeter and juicier.  YUM!
            Hopefully these will help you out.  I would encourage you to make this cake though.  It is seriously yummy and if there is a strawberry shortcake lover in your life........... yeah, you need to do this for them. 

For the next recipe, I wanted to share a drink with you all.  This was as fun to make as it was yummy!  I found the recipe for this one here:   http://www.butterwithasideofbread.com/2012/11/homemade-italian-cream-sodas.html  and it is for;


club soda
half and half
Torani syrups
whipped cream

To make one Italian cream soda, you will need;
1/2 c club soda
3 Tbsp Torani syrup  yummy combination-raspberry/vanilla  2 Tbsp raspberry and 1 Tbsp vanilla
1 Tbsp half and half
3 ice cubes
whipped cream and cherry on top

Add ice cubes to glass and add club soda (if you have larger glasses than you will want to double the recipe for the effect).
Measure out your Torani syrup.  You will need 3 Tbsp for each drink you make. The raspberry vanilla combo is what I made and it was delicious.
Add the syrup to the soda.  Just before serving add the half and half.  This is the really neat part of the recipe.  As the cream starts to seep down the sides of the glass into they syrup and soda it looks like a marbling effect.  Really pretty and it was quite entertaining for us. 
Top each glass off with some whipped cream and a cherry and it is absolutely awesome!  Make sure before anyone drinks it, that you tell them to stir the drink up.  That is when you can truly enjoy the yumminess of the drink. 

TIP:  Myself as well as my family do not care for club soda so I switched it out for Raspberry Ginger Ale.  That was sooooooo good.  And I think that I will get a little creative and maybe try Cream soda and just the vanilla syrup or fool around with some other flavors.  This was fun and everyone should enjoy because it wasn't alcoholic. 
        The Torani syrup is found at Wal mart and it is in the coffee/tea aisle.  It was about $3.50 per bottle.  And I believe that the blog that the recipe was listed on said that one bottle would make 12-14 servings. 

I wanted to share a picture of the one I made up after Easter because of course on Easter I didn't even think to get out the camera until the drinks were all almost half gone.  LOL!  That's my way of thinking...... too late.  Also, in the picture I have doubled the recipe for the glass size shown just so that you get an idea of how small the original recipe is intended for .

I searched but, I couldn't find any glasses that were as small as the ones that were pictured on their blog.  They looked amazing but, I think that these came out just fine and I would not hesitate to make these again.  In fact just picked me up some diet raspberry ginger ale yesterday and planning on having another one of these beauties real soon! 

I hope that you all enjoyed my yakkings, pictures and the recipes today.  Again, sorry about missing all of last week and I hope to be back soon with more.

Warm and primitive blessings to you all.
