Monday, July 8, 2013


Good Monday morning all.  I hope that you all had a great Fourth and an awesome week end as well!  Ours was great!  We had our usual get together and tons of food and lots of laughter, jokes, remember whens, and just great family togetherness making new memories!  Love it!  I hope that you all made some new great ones too.  I will be sharing a few of the new Pinterest recipes that I made on the Fourth with you all tomorrow.  YUMMY!  For today I wanted to share a few pics of what I did this week end.  Not alot but, I did get a couple of things finished and that is always an accomplishment for me.  LOL! 

The first thing that I have been wanting to share is the pics I took of the flowers that the hubs brought home for me on our anniversary. They are so beautiful still, and he brought them home for me on June 21.  I love that they are still sitting on my dining room table almost as beautiful today as they were when he brought them home for me.  He got them early for me because he knew that on our anniversary (the 25th) he would not have time.  That is just so sweet, I know!  He's the greatest!  Here are the pics;

Aren't they beautiful?  I love, love, love, daisies.  They last so long and they are so beautiful.  And, who doesn't love baby's breath?!  To top it all off, the hubs takes me out to dinner on Saturday for our anniversary and as we head out the door, there is a limousine waiting to take us there, WHAT?!  I know!  I have never gone in a limo before.  This was so sweet and he never does anything like that.  What a great guy.  If he continues to keep surprising me like this...... I'm gonna continue to love it!  LOL!  He is the greatest, I tell ya!  Thanks hon!

Now, for the other projects that I finished up.  Do you all remember the rooster needle punch that I did?  Well, it has just been laying around waiting to be finished off.  I had no idea how to finish it.  So, I looked it up and found a tut and they told me to cut all but a quarter inch around it and then basically glue the back down.  I did.  Not sure I like doing that though.  I think next time I will just stitch it down on the back.  Always think of this stuff after.  Oh well!  After I glued it down, I decided to attach it to a basket that I had just laying around.  I just sewed it's four corners to the basket and that was it.  I had the perfect spot for it right on the hutch in my dining room.  Here's the pic;

I knew that it would look great on this hutch because of the green color of it.  The green in the rooster looks great up against it.  Yay!  Now I can enjoy seeing this in my dining room every time I go by instead of seeing it waiting to be finished laying in my craft room.  Woot!  Woot!

So, this next project is one that I did with my youngest nephews for the Fourth.  I got the original idea on Pinterest here:  There were alot of similar ideas for this type of thing and I kind of followed this one and added in a couple of pieces from the others I saw.  I unfortunately didn't have any of the others pinned or I would have shared their addresses as well.  Sorry.  It is pretty basic but, it looks awesome.  My nephews were going camping over the Fourth and these were going to be awesome to take for little night lights as well as festive for the Holiday.  Hope that you all like the looks of them as well.  Here it is;

Isn't that pretty neat?!  I wish that you could see the glow of the tea light inside.  It is too bright in the house.  I used a peanut butter jar.  I bought a package of four flags at Wal mart for just a couple of bucks.  We took the flags off the poles.  Then, I wrapped twine around the flag to hold it in place and knotted it in the back.  For the lid I put a used and dried out coffee filter over it, (it still showed the green of the lid so I placed a small piece of muslin under the filter and problem solved.  I wrapped that with twine too.  Inside the jar we used some white rice just to lift the light up a little, and then we added a battery operated tea light. Voila!  The only thing that I need to do with this is stain it so that it looks aged.  I wanted to get the picture taken so that I could show what I had worked on.  When I made the ones up with my nephews, we purchased blue mason jars at Wal mart for them.  They liked the blue jars and they were reasonable at 1.97 each.  It is a fun project to do for the holidays and if you have an area in your home with the Americana theme.  And very inexpensive. 

For my next project I needed to re-cover my Bible.  It was just not matching my decor on the stand where I keep it.  I didn't want it moved so, I had to do something.

So, here it is before.  Kind of loud and doesn't really look old and prim. 

The first step was picking the fabric that I wanted to cover it in.  I liked the stripes and the blue stripe fit in with the room.  So, I basically tried to fit it like a book cover similar to back when I was in school.  I am not a big one on measuring and fitting to perfection, my bad!  I can't help it.  It just seems like I should be able to just lay it out and make it fit just right.  Haha.  Never works that way but, ya can't blame me for trying, right?! 

Before I could sew the actual cover, I wanted to put a patch on it that read:  Holy Bible.  I got a piece of muslin and just hand wrote on it.  That would be easy enough to stitch on.  I thought that dark brown embroidery thread would work great and I used 3 strands to sew on the words.

I am very pleased with the little stitched patch. 

To finish it I took more of the brown embroidery floss, just one strand, and did like a running stitch all the way around the Bible cover.  Then I took it and did the same thing to patch it on.  Love the way that it came out.  Now I can have it on my stand and I think that it looks great!  Very happy girl.

I think that it looks so much better now.  And if you look in the back ground I think that you can see Kayzer's eyes glowing too.  He is such a little cutie.  If I can sneak them in a picture, you know I am going to.  Love my fur babies. 

I didn't do any big projects but, for me completing a few smaller ones is sometimes even more difficult.  I feel very accomplished after all this.  Now do you all know what I need to get working on?  Yep, more curtains..... yay!  Can't wait until they are all done. 

Hope that you all have a wonderful day.  I will be back tomorrow to share some of my new recipes.  Can't wait for that.  See you then.

Warm (not hot, lol) primitive blessings to you all!


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