Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Happy Temptation Tuesday all!  Yeah, that's right.  I am here on the correct day.  YIPPEE!!!!  Now, the recipe that I want to share with you all is one that I made on Sunday afternoon.  And while it was baking the only word that I could think of to describe the smell is..... heavenly!  OMG!  The smell of strawberries and cinnamon in a bread baking for an hour.  WOW!  It was almost too much to bear.  The best part was that my mom came over to visit while it was baking, and Sam and Cole came over to play board/card games with my sis.  They do this pretty much every week end.  Are they great or what?  Think about it for a minute.  How many teen age kids do you know that would give up a few hours on their week end to spend with their aunt/uncle/family member to do activities with?  There are not many that I know.  Makes it even more special.  They will always have these awesome memories with her.  <3  Love them lots.  Anyway, I got to take a quick picture of them all having a slice of it while they were in the midst of their game.  Of course, they had to give me a bit of a hard time though.  You be the judge;

So, my sister was the only one sweet enough to give me a thumbs up!  I was so focused on Cole, acting like he was choking on the bread that I didn't even see Samantha being a wise guy too, with the thumbs down!  What the heck?  

Is that not a cool photo?!  I love it.  I needed to do a little spread on Cole because I am always talking about Samantha.  Pretty much what you see with Cole is what you get.  He is a handsome, 15 year old, with his driver's permit.  He already has his first vehicle, a red pick up truck.  He is responsible, funny, sweet, smart and all of the wonderful things that you would want your son to be.  I have to say that my brother and sister in law are very fortunate to have two kids as great as these two are.  Okay Cole, I hope that I didn't embarrass you too much.  Love you both to the moon and back!  

Now, on with the recipe.  Have I gotten you drooling yet with the talk of the strawberries?  Maybe this next photo will help;

 This is my moms slice of bread.  I forgot to take a picture of the loaf before we cut into it.  And she hadn't dove into hers yet.  You can kind of see the bread underneath.  The top is the strawberry butter that I made to put on it.  YUMMY!

So, if you would like to copy the recipe from the original spot that I got it from, go here:  http://www.jamhands.net/2012/03/strawberry-bread-with-strawberry-butter.html 

If you want my shorthand version, here you go:


1/2c butter, softened
3/4c sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2c flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2c sour cream
2c fresh or frozen strawberries
1/2c nuts

Cream butter and sugar.  Beat in eggs, one at a time and add vanilla.  Mix dry ingredients in a separate bowl.  Add 1/3 of the dry ingredients into the wet.  Mix in 1/2 of the sour cream.  Mix in another 1/3 of the dry ingredients.  Mix in the remaining sour cream.  Mix in the last of the dry ingredients.  Mix in the strawberries.  Pour into a greased loaf pan.  Bake in a 350* oven for about 60 minutes.  (I had to cook mine for an extra 10 minutes). 


1/2c butter, softened
2 Tbsp powdered sugar
2 Tbsp (+/-) strawberry preserves or fresh berries (I used the strawberry sauce below instead)

Mix together until creamy.  Cover and refrigerate until serving.

I used a strawberry sauce in the butter that my mom showed me how to make.  It is very easy and tastes great on ice cream, pound cake, inside filling of oatmeal crumb bars, toast, pretty much anything.  You also can use any kind of fruit to make this.  It is probably something that you all know how to make but, I didn't and I thought that maybe someone else out there might not either.  So, here's the other recipe for ya.


1 quart of strawberries
3/4c sugar
3 Tbsp Tapioca

Mix the sugar and the Tapioca together. (This prevents the Tapioca
 from clumping).  Hull, and half or quarter your berries.  Put them into a medium sized saucepan and turn on low heat.  Add your sugar/Tapioca mix to the berries.  You will want to watch this and stir it often so it doesn't stick on.  Turn your heat up to medium after it has started heating up a little and wait for it to come to a boil.  Make sure you keep stirring.  When it comes to a boil you will need to let it boil for 1 minute.  Keep stirring still.  when the minute is up, it is done.  So delicious.  A good mixture is strawberries and rhubarb.  That is too yummy.

TIP**** Change your sugar amounts depending on berry tartness. 

        Add more Tapioca if your berries are real juicy.

This is very easy to make and yummy to have as a treat.  It is also quick to make up and almost as quick to disappear.  With the Fourth in a couple of days this is just something handy to make up and serve over ice cream for a quick dessert. 

Well, I hope that you have enjoyed the blog today.  If you make up the bread, prepare your house for a delicious smell to fill it. 

Warm and primitive blessings to you all!


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