Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Good afternoon all and happy Temptation Tuesday to ya!  I told ya that I had some good recipes for you and believe me I do.  For today, I thought that I would give you 3 recipes.  Yay!  Two of them are for desserts and the other one is for a dip.  I don't honestly know which on of these I like the best.  That is how delicious they all are.  So, what do you say we dive right in? 

The first recipe that I am going to share is the one for the dip.  This is where I originally found it at:  http://www.justaspoonfulof.com/2012/05/neiman-marcus-dip.html 


5-6 green onions, chopped
8 oz shredded cheddar cheese
1 1/2c mayonnaise
1 jar Hormel real bacon pieces
slivered almonds

Mix all ingredients together and then chill.  Serve with Ritz or corn chips.

I didn't use nuts in mine.  We have some folks that don't enjoy them.  It was delicious without them and I am sure it is just as delicious with them.  I was thinking though that craisins would be delicious in this as well as a little coconut.  I think that would take it to another whole level of tastiness.  Just sayin! 

We all loved the dip.  It was finished being eaten up on July 5th!
Here is a picture of the dip:

The picture doesn't do it any justice but, take my word for it.  This dip is awesome!

For the next recipe, this is for all of you out there with a sweet tooth like mine, maybe a little Butterfinger sweet tooth.  I originally got the recipe from here and if you would like there original version and not my shorthand, go here for it:  http://mykitchenadventures1.blogspot.com/2012/02/butterfinger-dessert.html     


1 angel food cake, cut into 1" pieces
1 1oz pkg sugar free, fat free, butterscotch instant pudding mix
1 1/2c skim milk
2 8oz containers of cool whip free, thawed
10 fun sized Butterfinger candy bars, crushed

Spray a 9X13 pan with cooking spray.  Arrange half of the angel food cake cubes in bottom of pan.  In a large bowl combine the pudding mix with the skim milk.  Whisk until starting to thicken.  Fold in both containers of cool whip free.  Pour half of the pudding mix over the cubes of cake.  Top with half of the Butterfingers.  Repeat with the rest of the cake and then the pudding mix and finish off with the Butterfingers.  Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour before serving, or overnight. 

Holy cow, can I just tell you how good this thing was!  Wow!  And the best part is, it wasn't that bad for you.  I mean, it could be alot worse, like the next recipe.  LOL!  Here is a picture of mine:

After this had been refrigerated and all those yummy flavors combined, Wow!  Really yummy and very easy to throw together. 

For the last recipe, this one is another one for all of you with the sweet tooth like mine.  I got this recipe from here:  http://theimperfecthousewife.blogspot.com/2009/09/fried-ice-cream-dessert.html 


1 stick of butter
1 c sugar
3 c crushed corn flakes
2qts vanilla ice cream  *let ice cream sit out for 1/2 hour to
1 container cool whip
1 teas cinnamon
honey for drizzling

Melt butter in frying pan.  Add cornflakes and sugar.  Fry for about 3 mins, stirring constantly so that the sugar doesn't burn.  Pat about 1/2 to 1/3 of the cornflake mixture in the bottom of a 9X13 pan. 
In a large bowl beat ice cream, cool whip and cinnamon.  pour ice cream mixture over cornflakes on bottom of pan.  Sprinkle remaining crumbs over ice cream.  Freeze.  When serving, lightly drizzle honey over each slice. 

WOWZERS!  Yeah, this was as delicious as it sounds.  And so easy to make.  That's what makes this recipe very...... dangerous!  LOL!

I did think that it was to sweet, though.  I think when I make it again I will try 1/2c sugar in the corn flakes instead.  It was way too sweet and then we added the drizzle of honey and it pushed it over the top.  I think that cutting back on the sugar will make it way more tasty.  That is just my opinion though.  Others may think that it is great just the way it is and that is fine.  Just giving ya all my opinion on it. 

Here is the picture of what mine looked like:

We had never had the real fried ice cream but, had heard about it.  This was a great way to experience it.  Truly yummy1

These recipes that I shared with you today were all quick, easy, and just a few ingredients.  They were fun and tasty too!  I hope that you all give them a try they are definitely worth it.  If you have a special occasion you are going to and need to bring a dish, any one of these would be a big hit.  Try them soon. 

Hope that you all have a great day.  I hope to be back soon but, I got to get going on them curtains, ya know?! 

Warm and primitive blessings to you all.


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