Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Good evening everyone.  I hope that you all are doing well.  Are you all enjoying Fall?  If you're not, you should be.  I love the rustling of the leaves on the ground, the cooler temps, the breezy days, the smells of Fall.  Get out and enjoy it.  I wanted to apologize for not being on here sooner.  My aunt had to go in for surgery today and I ended up getting home later than I planned.  Kind of through everything a little out of whack.  Sorry.  Anyway, my recipes for today are going to be from my great friend Nancy.  I had told her that I could use a few and she brings me in a notepad full!  So, many thanks to Nancy.

The first recipe that I chose is for:


1/4 c chopped onion
1 tbsp butter
3 c cubed, peeled squash (Nancy uses butternut or acorn)
1 medium potato, peeled and cubed
1 1/2c water
1 1/2 tsp chicken bouillon granules
1/4 tsp salt
dash of pepper
1/4 c evaporated milk

In a small saucepan, saute onion in butter until tender.  Add squash and potato, cook and stir for 2 mins.  Add water, bouillon, salt and pepper.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat.  Cover and simmer for about 15 -20 mins or until tender.  Cool slightly.  In a blender, cover and process soup until smooth.  Return to pan and stir in milk.  Heat through.            This makes 2 servings.

YUMMY!  This is a great recipe for this time of year.  Especially for these cooler nights!  Enjoy!

Another great recipe that Nancy shared with me is for:


1 c pumpkin
3/4 c sugar
1/2 c oil
1 egg
2 c flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp milk
1 c chips
1 tsp vanilla

Dissolve baking soda in milk----set aside.  In a large bowl combine pumpkin, sugar, oil, and egg.  Mix well.  Add, flour, b powder, cinnamon, salt, and b soda mixture.  Mix well.  add chocolate chips and vanilla.  Mix and then drop by spoon full onto cookie sheet.  Bake at 375 for 10-15 mins. 

Yeah, it doesn't get any better than pumpkin chip cookies.  Go ahead and bake some of these goodies up soon. 

Hope to be on tomorrow (I realize I have been saying that every time I post and yet I never come back, sorry again).  I want to show the needle punch that I finished.  It's Halloween and I finished it ahead of time..... alright pick yourselves up off the floor.  I was just as shocked as you are. 

I also am hoping to be on soon with a tutorial for some candy canes to make to put on your Christmas trees.  You are going to love them!  They are made with paper mache.  Can't wait to show you all!

Warm primitive blessings to you all.


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