Friday, November 9, 2012


Good morning.  For those of you who are still breathing and not shocked to near death (I know two blogs in a row), this one is for you.  So, yesterday after putting my recipes on here for ya.  I was thinking geesh, I need to get going on those candy canes.  Then I figured it would probably be best if I did it in little segments.  Especially where the glue part takes a few days to truly dry them out.  This way here, you can make yours along with me at the same time I am making mine.  That seemed a little funner to me.  It will kind of be like we are sitting here making our candy canes together.  Would you like a cup of Hot Vanilla or Hot Cocoa????  I want a Hot Vanilla! 

Anyway the first part of this is just your aluminum foil.  Simple, right?!  I remember a while ago I told you to start saving your pieces of aluminum foil for this and I hope that you all did.  Here's a look at my piece;
Okay, this was a piece of foil that I have used a few times for painting and dusting with cinnamon and spices.  It has been used it's fair share but, I am not done with it yet!  Depending on the size of candy cane you want, you start rolling up the edge of foil. Try to roll this tightly as you go.  I started with the small edge and rolled toward the top.
It's a fuzzy picture but, you get the idea.  There is nothing difficult about this at all.  Don't be afraid, this is all going to be covered up by another layer----the papier mache.  When you have finished rolling your candy cane.  I used about half of the sheet of foil.  You will just tear the foil off and wrap it around tightly.  When you finish it should look like this:
Okay.  That's not so hard now is it?  At this point you will want to tuck in your ends.  You just fold over a small flap on each end and kind of squeeze it on tightly.  It should  look like this:
Wonderful picture but, again you can kind of see what I am talking about here.  The next step is to put the bend in your candy cane.  That is basically it---- you just bend the tip over and form it into the shape that you want your cane to be.  Like this:
Voila!  You did it!!  This is the first step into making the candy canes!  Easy Peasy!!!!!  You can do these in the evening while watching television or take some time and craft away during the day.  From that one sheet of foil, I made three candy canes and they are all  different sizes.  You can do them as large or small as you want.  Just keep in mind, when you go real small sometimes the steps are a little more challenging.  After we papier mache these and they dry we need to sand down the rough spots.  That takes time and is very tedious.  On a small, small candy cane it would be a pain to me but, if you are adventurous feel free.  On a tiny tree these canes would look amazing!  I, myself do not have the patience to do that.  For those who do, have fun!  Here is a picture of the three that I made up of that one piece of foil:
There you have it, step 1 in the candy cane making process. 

Now, I would like to say that I cannot take credit for creating these.  My sister in law showed me how to make these about 3 or 4 years ago.  I don't know where she came up with this and I just want to say that I am not trying to take away from anyone.  I just would like to share with those of you out there, what was once shared with me. 

So, you all need to get your canes started and ready for Monday which I am hoping to have step 2 ready for ya.  That is the messy step.  You are going to need:

       newspapers-cut into small strips (to wrap around the candy canes)
       water, flour, and Elmer's glue

Sounds interesting, huh?!  It is fun but, messy!  I also use the lid to a tote container to put these on to dry for a few days.  You will want something like that, so that they can be flipped over often and not stick to.  I think that is it for today.  Get making your canes up.

Before I let you all go, I wanted to mention that Pamela over at:  has got an awesome feather tree tutorial.  She bought a small Christmas tree at the thrift store and turned it into an amazing little feather tree.  Great fun project for the week end........ just sayin!!!

Have a great week end all.

Warm and primitive blessings to you all!


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