Thursday, November 8, 2012


Hello everyone.  Yes, it has been a while.  I just got my butt whooped from Samantha because it had been so long!  YIKES!  She really does keep me grounded and I am very thankful for that.  I tease here a lot but, if not for her, I probably would have stopped doing this and let things go.  So Sam, thank you for those harassing phone calls.  Love ya girl!!!!!! 

Where I missed Tuesday (I was busy--- sister had a man here installing her new propane stove and I had to do elections.  Didn't get home from counting ballots until about 12:45 am.  Long night as well).  Not and excuse.... just sayin.  LOL!!!!!   I decided that I had better post my recipes.  So, for today I decided to post the recipe for what I made for supper last night.  Oh my word.  Crazy yumminess!!!!  I had seen the commercial for Philadelphia cooking creme and I decided that I would look up that recipe and give it a try.  I am always up for something new.  So glad that I did.  This was absolutely delicious.  I hope that you give it a whirl.  (Samantha---I think that your mom would Love this)!!


1/2 # spaghetti, uncooked  (I used wheat thin spaghetti)
4 slices bacon chopped-  (I had my husband stop at the local store and pick up 4 slices bacon that they
                                          had cooked---that saved time and I didn't have to open a pkg and only use
                                          4 slices and put the rest away for another day.  It only cost $.54.)
1 # uncooked, deveined peeled, large shrimp  (I used the cooked frozen shrimp from the grocery store
                                                                           and I just pulled the tails off them and added them at
                                                                            the end so that they would just heat through)
1 c frozen peas
1 tub Philadelphia Italian Cheese and Herb Cooking Creme
1/4 c grated parmesan cheese
*I also added 1 pkg of fresh mushrooms when I added the peas
*I also added chopped green onions over the top when it was done
*When I cook bacon in the oven on a rack, I save some of the drippings in a small container in the refrigerator, for times when I need the extra flavoring, like this.  So, I added 1 tbsp in the skillet.

For the original recipe go to the Kraft  I started to put in on here as well as what I did but, it got to confusing to follow.  I am just going to put what I did.  If you are using uncooked shrimp---please use their recipe--mine is for the cooked shrimp.

Cook your spaghetti in a large pot.  While that is cooking; I added my bacon fat to a large skillet.  To that, I added mushrooms, peas and bacon.  I let that cook on a low temp. for a few minutes.  While that was cooking, I pulled the tails off the cooked shrimp that I had (these were on sale for $5.99 a pound).  I then waited for the spaghetti to finish cooking.  I didn't drain it, I added the noodles to my pan using tongs and let the water go into the skillet.  The little bit of water that went in with the noodle was very useful and I actually scooped out a little more to add in as well.  After that I added the cooking creme and mixed it all in.  This is where you might decide to put in a little more of the spaghetti water to help loosen everything.  Next you add in your shrimp and then your parm cheese.  Mix this in and let everything get warm through.  Then sprinkle with green onions and this is delicious. 

I hope that I did not make this more confusing than it was.  This only took about a half hour total to prepare.  I will be making this again real soon.  The hubby LOVED this and it was so easy.  I could make this one quite often.

For the next recipe I thought that I would share one that my niece Amanda shared from Pinterest.  This is the perfect recipe for the weather that we have been getting....snow!  This should help to warm you up.....


1/2 c whipping cream
1 tbsp chocolate syrup
dash of cinnamon
1 c hot milk - per hot vanilla
2 tsp sugar - per hot vanilla
1/2 tsp vanilla extract - per hot vanilla

Start with the topping.  In a medium bowl, whip 1/2 c of whipping cream until it's frothy.  Add 1 tbsp of chocolate syrup and a dash of cinnamon, then continue to whip the mixture until everything is well blended and peaks form.  Makes enough to top about 6 drinks. 

For each hot vanilla, microwave l cup of hot milk and 2 teaspoons of sugar in a mug for 90 seconds.  Stir in 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract.  Top with a dollop of chocolate cream, a drizzle of chocolate syrup, and a dash of cinnamon.

Oh my yumminess!!!!!!!!!   What a perfect drink for when it is cold and snowy outside!   Love this!!!

One more thing before I let you go.  I wanted to show a picture of the candy canes that I hope to have the tutorial for next week.  I hope that you all like these.  I had a blast making them and if I remember right each step takes a couple of days.  So, I need to post the tutorial so that you all can make some for your Christmas trees!!!!!

I thought that they would look great on the Christmas table runner but, it didn't show them up as well as I had hoped so here's another look:

Aren't they amazing?????  I think that they are.  You can use these on anything or in anything.  On gifts, trees, in bowls, you name it.  You can make them any size that you want.  And to think that they are made using aluminum foil and papier mache.  So, even though I don't get on here every day...keep checking in with me.  The instructions as I remember them are soon to follow...!!!!!!!

I hope that you have all had a good week and continue on with a great day!  Still keeping in mind the poor people that have suffered so much devastation and loss.  Keep them in all our thoughts and prayers. 

Warm primitive blessings to you all!!!!


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