Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Good cold Tuesday morning to you all.  Brrrrrrrrr.  That wind is crazy cold again today.  Now look, I am a good solid person and wind that wind starts blowing enough to tip me a little --------you know it's a good wind.  YIKES!!

I am sitting here sipping on my coffee.  Have any of you tried Dunkin Donuts Strawberry Shortcake coffee.  Oh my word, it's delicious.  Sorry, I tend to get off track.  Okay so, I was sipping my coffee and trying to decide on what recipe I should post for you next.  Last night my husband said that I should post one of his favorites...............what isn't his favorite.  He is a very easy to please man.  And of course, everything that I make is "the best he ever had".  I am not complaining at all!  But, aren't most men like that?  You know, their wife makes the best whatever.  My husband is so like that, and it makes me so happy that he is that proud of what I make.  I know that you all are like that too because, no matter where you go  you always hear a man saying "make sure that you try what Betty brought, she makes the best peach pie".  For me, it makes me happy to please him but, even more happy to make him proud of the effort that I put into it as well.  Long story short........I love my hubby!!!!

I suppose you would all like the next recipe right?  It's nothing elaborate but, it is a good quick casserole and tasty too.  Even kids like this one because of the hot dogs.  So here it is:


4 or 5 potatoes, cubed
1 or 2 onions, sliced
6-8 hot dogs, sliced
1 bag of frozen peas
3 Tbsp butter
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 Tbsp prepared mustard
salt and pepper
shredded cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray a 9x13 pan with non-stick spray.

Cook potatoes onion s and hot dogs all in a large pot together.  Just before they are done cooking I throw in the bag of frozen peas.  When done drain into large colander. 

In a small microwave safe bowl, melt butter and then add soup and mustard.  Mix well.

I usually pour the potato mix right into the casserole dish and then dump the soup mixture over the top and mix it all up in the casserole dish.  You can mix the potato mix and the soup mix in a separate bowl to make sure that it all mixes up well.  I just like less dishes, and as many times as I have made this I have never had a problem with it not getting all mixed in.  But, the choice is yours.  When everything is mixed and in the dish I salt and pepper it and then sprinkle on the cheese.  That's it!  Simple and yet very filling and hot.  On a cold night it is very satisfying. 

This recipe is very versatile.  You can change out anything you want, believe me I have.  I have used broccoli instead of peas.  I have used turkey kielbasa instead of hot dogs.  I have increased the potatoes when company stops by or decreased the hot dogs when I haven't had enough on hand.  I have pretty much altered this recipe by whatever I have.  And it works every time. 

I hope that you all give it a try and love it as much as...............my husband does!!  Thanks for stopping in and I hope that you all have a wonderful day.

warm primitive blessings to you all

Monday, March 26, 2012


Good morning everyone, and happy Monday to you all.  It finally stopped raining and snowing here.  Crazy weather, I tell ya.  The sun is out now but, boy it sure is windy out there and cold.  I keep forgetting it still is March.  This is the norm for the month not that 80 degree weather.  That was just a tease.  Oh well.......warmer days are soon on there way.  Then I will moan and groan because it's too hot.  That's me!!!!!LOL

So, this week-end my husband and I went to the Union Antique Traders Co.  It was pretty neat and they had some really cool things.  I would love to have one of everything.  I had only saved up a little money and lucky for me they had a few things that I had been wanting to pick up.  HOORAY! 

Love this the colors are awesome and faded.  On the back it is a little tattered and torn--PERFECT!
I love quilts and though I have taken many a quilt class, I have yet to finish one!!!  I know, I know.  I am very ashamed to say that I think the only way I am ever going to have beautiful quilts throughout my house is by purchasing them.   That's horrible I know.  Hopefully someday soon I can attempt to face my fears of finishing one, and not having it come out perfect, and be ok with that.  I know it's all in my head.  But, that is my fear you know.  Is anyone else like that????  I hope that it is not just me but, then again I don't wish this on anyone.  Back to my other goodes:

Did you notice the different colored laces?

Sorry, I cut off the heel in the photo.
Ok, I have looked for a pair of these for a while now.  When I saw these I tried to leave them but, they just kept calling out to me.  I left them alone while I shopped around but I couldn't stop thinking of them.  I have these nice old dresses and I want to hang them on a peg rack.  I just kept thinking how great these would look on the floor underneath.  OOOOOOhhhhh, I love them. 

I just love the staining on this little purse and it was already there!!
I just couldn't go get the shoes without the purse.  What's a girl to do?  I grabbed them both as fast as I could before hubby even had a chance to wonder, "what just happened?".  LOL

This is a sheet that I got at the Goodwill.  It is a king size and I just loved the coloring.  To me it just looked like a beautiful piece of fabric.  I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it but, for under five bucks, I bought it.  I think I am going to make my bedroom curtains out of this.  I need to wait for the door in my bedroom to be replaced with a window but, I think I will have plenty of fabric to make enough for both windows.  I am so excited to do that now.  WOOOOOHOOOOO!

Well, that's all for today.  I hope that I can finish up a few things and get pics on here to show you all.  The week-end was a little busier than I had planned so, didn't get anything accomplished.  Hopefully by the middle of the week I will have more photos. 

Don't forget to stop in tomorrow for TEMPTATION TUESDAY'S.  I haven't decided on which recipe yet, but I promise it will be good.  Until then.....

warm primitive blessings to you all!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Good morning everyone. 
It's a little bit cooler here this morning but, it is said to be another gorgeous day today.  I will gladly take it.  This weather we have been having is amazing.  I hope that all of you out there are getting alot f the same.  Most of you usually are alot further along than we are usually.  Most of the time we see photos of trees and shrubs budding and blossoming while we are still getting the snow storms.  So, needless to say, loving this wicked good weather up here.

I have to make today's blog short and sweet.  So, that is literally what it is going to be.  With Easter right around the corner, I thought that a recipe for peanut butter fudge would taste good, I mean sound good right now.LOL.  I hope that you all enjoy this recipe. My mom has made this since I was a child. And probably even earlier than that.  All I know is that for as long as I can remember, this was the fudge that we all enjoyed.  I hope that you all do as well.  Have a wonderful day today and I will try to catch up with you all later this week.


2 Tbsp butter
2 C sugar                      Boil these for 3 mins.  Do not stir while boiling.
1/2 C milk       

1 C peanut butter
2 Tbsp marshmallow fluff           Add to sugar mix.  Stir in quickly--this will harden fast.
1 Tbsp vanilla

Pour into a buttered pan.  Usually an 8x8 or something similar in size will do. 

helpful hints:  When you boil the sugar mix, start timing it from the minute you see little bubbles start to form.  Don't wait until it comes to a full boil--it will harden on you. 
                        While my sugar mix is boiling I measure all the other ingredients out and have them ready to mix in as soon as the timer goes off. 
                         Also, make sure that your pan is buttered ahead of time as well.

This recipe is very easy, you just want everything ready, when you are.  I hope that you all make it and enjoy it as much as we do.

Primitive blessings to you all.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Good morning everyone.  I hope that you all had a wonderful week-end.  I did that  is for sure.  The weather is amazing.  I am so loving it.  Even though Fall is my most favorite season, I love seeing each new season come into itself.  And Spring is definitely one worth watching.  All the new life sprouting up everywhere.  Not to mention the birds, squirrels and other little creatures.  Each season promises something new and exciting for us all.  I hope that you all are enjoying it as well.

Guess what?  The eggs are done!  All 60 of them.  It's definitely a happy day in my house.  Before I show you my pic though I want to send out a special thank-you to Teri at White Sheep Farm.  If it wasn't for her I never would have tried these and therefore wouldn't have any to show you all either.  You can see the complete tutorial here:  http://www.whitesheepfarm.com/search/label/Happy%20Easter
She did a wonderful job with the tutorial. 

This was an awesome and fun tutorial.  I enjoyed it greatly.  I have to admit, I get real nervous about trying these tutorials in case I flub them up.  There is a little bit of anxiety that goes on before I start a new one but, I am telling you that these so far have been just great.  I would NOT recommend doing 60 the first time but, I did.  If I can, you can.  I am just saying, it kind of took some of the fun out of it at first so, for yourself just a little warning. LOL.  The part that was the worst for me was putting the mod podge and brown paper bag strips on----------took forever.  Not to mention that I literally was covered from head to toe with mod podge.LOL.  The rest of it was smooth sailing.  I was mostly afraid to do the wax part.  Turned out that, that was the easiest and part that added the most character to the eggs.  Who knew?!  Ok, shall we get started with the pics?  Here they are:

Aren't they pretty?  NOT!
We start off with these little beauties.  You know you can get these at Goodwill for next to nothing if they have any.  The day I went of course they had none.  I went to Wal-mart and bought a bag full for like 2 bucks.  Hence, the 60 eggs.

After you mod podge your eggs and put strips of ripped up paper bags on them they should look similar to this.  I left mine rough looking.  I like that but, you may not and you can smooth these out more if you wanted to.  You also can use newspaper or tissue paper or anything on that line depending on the texture you would like your eggs to have.  On the tutorial she showed the differences in the different papers used.  You can see that some are smoother looking but, she made her eggs with the bag strips smoother as well.  It clearly is just a matter of preference.  I loved the eggs at this stage and thought about not going any further.  Glad to say that I continued on to the next step.  However, my mother came in and I showed her these eggs------the look on her face was priceless.  If only I had my camera ready for that expression.  Needless to say, she is not much into primitives.  She has frequently said to me "we had to use stuff that looked like that!"  She does not enjoy taking that walk back down memory lane.  Sorry mom, I just love the way that this stuff makes your home feel warm.  And not to mention the stories that this stuff could tell if only it could talk.  Anyway, back to the eggs.  Next step was to paint.  I deliberated on this and then decided I would at least try just one.  After all I had enough to spare at least one, right?

WOW, did I love the way these looked now.  They looked like a chocolate egg that I would have loved to eat!!!
Look at how yummy!
Now, you gotta know that I am a big, no HUGE fan of chocolate.  To me these were perfect just as they are right now.  I debated over going any further with these because of 2 reasons:  1)my chocolate addiction and 2)my fear of failure.  The final step of this had made me decide that I wanted to keep my eggs just as they are.  How could they possibly look any better?  I knew that they could but, in my mind was the next set of steps really needed to make these look GREAT?  You decide.

At this point I really wasn't sure that I liked them as much. 
This was after I had just put mod podge and cinnamon on them.  I was really not liking them as well as I did the more chocolatey looking ones.  I also did not totally cover them in cinnamon.  I like it looking a little less uniform and so I tried putting it on with a little less coverage.  I don't think that it matters much either way, again, just personal preference.  At this point, I felt like I had to finish all the steps.  So. I made my egg dipper.

Don't laugh at it.  I worked hard on this little bugger! 
Okay, so I know it doesn't look very high tech but, that little thing worked perfect and it got the job done!  Are you ready for the big reveal?  Here they are.................and I LOVE them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not such a great picture but, there are more.
This one here is much better.
Still looking a little fuzzy.   Sorry about that.
I was trying to get an up close look.  They look so cool.  I love them and the photos are just not doing them justice.

These little babies are so sweet.  I am ecstatic that I not only completed them but, I absolutely love them.  I also have plenty to go around the house.  These are going to be popping up all over the place.  Look out mom!! LOL. 

I also saw on Teri's blog that she had done some beautiful eggs in a blue with some brown markings on them.  They look amazing so while you are there for the tutorial make sure to check out her eggs.  Be sure to sign up for her giveaway.  You could win them and the nest that she made to put them in.  It truly is beautiful.  I had to try some for myself.  I think that they turned out ok.  You check them out and see if you like them too.

I think that they look pretty sweet.  Do you like my bunny above?  I got that at the Goodwill for $1.99.  Can you believe it?  It looks like something that maybe a student learning to weld may have done in school.  Never know but, who would have gotten rid of such a cutie?  Hope that I never do.

I hope that you all enjoyed my jabberings today.  I want everyone to make some of these they are that fun and I think that every home needs some of these eggs sitting around for Easter.  Good day to you all. 

Warm primitive blessings to you all!


Thursday, March 15, 2012


Good day all! 
I hope that you all are having a good day.  I have been.  I woke up this morning to snow on the ground.  What the heck?!  I thought spring had sprung.  Oh well we all know that it is on it's way.  By Monday they are saying that we will be near or in  the 70's.  What!!  It's crazy, welcome to Maine.  LOL 

So, today I had a chance to finish up my little "Easter Rabbit".  I think that he looks so adorable.  This was such a quick n easy project.  It was made up in no time.  I had purchased a shelf for my sister at the Goodwill store and there was a wooden bunny attached to it.  Sorry I did not realize at the time that I would be blogging or I would had of taken an original picture of it.  I popped it off the shelf and then repainted it trying a couple of techniques that I had recently seen----obviously they did not turn out as well as I had planned or you would have already seen them, right? yeah!  Anyway after painting it, I also was working on an egg tutorial that I had seen.  And just like that the light bulb went off---shocking I know.  I decided that I wanted to try to do the rabbit the same way as the eggs.  The eggs are what I wanted to show you first but, they are not done with all the stages yet!  First off because I am slow and second because I am greedy and felt the desire to need to make more than just 10 or 12 of the cute little buggers, I had to make 60!!!!!!!!!!!  Yeah, now you're starting to get to know the real  me! LOL.

Back to the rabbit.  So, this is the first picture I have of him with just the paint:

I felt like he needed a totally different look.  This just wasn't working for him.

 So, this is when I decided to cover him in pieces of brown paper bag and mod podge.  That stuff is amazing and lots of fun.  Messy but, fun.  Alright so this is what he looked like after the strips of brown bag and mod podge: 

Is he cute or what?????   I know, right!  Look at that adorable tail.  Now, if you think that this is cute wait till you see the next pictures.  After this step, I painted him brown and basically just left him.  I did accessorize him with a few little pieces but not too much.  Here he is now

This picture looks a little fuzzy.  Sorry about that.  I wrote out his tag freehand and I think it came out pretty good.  Anyway, this is him lying flat so that I could try to get a good photo of how chunky he looks.  To me he looks like a nice chocolate bunny that I would love to dive into.  How about you? 

This here is just another shot to show you how wide he is.  He is about 1 1/2".

Here he is along with three of my unfinished eggs that I will be sharing with you as soon as I finish them.  I will tell you though that I got the eggs tutorial off "White Sheep Farms Blogspot".  I will be putting her link up here as soon as I finish the eggs.

This is my table centerpiece for now.  I made the cute Easter feed jar as well.  That will be on here soon too.

Forgot this photo.  It's just a close up of my tag.  Sorry, but I am so proud of it.  (like you didn't notice) 

I hope that you enjoyed this.  I sometimes get a little long winded.  What I wanted to tell you, is that when you see a tutorial like the ones for the eggs.  Think outside the box on that even.  When I got to the stage that they are at right now all I could think of, was how adorable a rabbit would be like that.  So, I had nothing to lose and look at him.  I think that he is wonderful.  If you try this or something different I would love to see it.

I copied the pattern of my Easter rabbit and have it here below for any of you who would like to try one of these for yourself.  I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

I am hoping that I put this on here right and you can get it okay.  If anyone has problems please let me know and I will get my technical advisor (Samantha) over here to help me fix it so that you can get it.

Primitive blessings to you all!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Good day all!
Well it's looking like it's gonna be another beautiful day here today.  I just checked my outdoor thermometer it said it's 64.  I think it's a little off because it is somewhat in the sunlight but, still it's nice enough for me.  It started off a bit cloudy this morning but she sure does have potential to be a good one.  That ole sun keeps trying to pop out from behind the clouds.  Hopefully the sun wins!

Anyway, about the recipe that I want to share with you all today.  It is one that I have recently stumbled across here on the computer.  I wanted to try to stick with recipes that I have, that have been shared through family.  This recipe is just quick and easy and my family really enjoys it.  So, I thought it worthy of sharing with you all today. 


2 c flour
4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
2 tsp sugar
1/2 c shortening
2/3 c milk
1 can corned beef hash/ roast beef hash
1 c shredded cheddar cheese
white gravy----I use McCormick original country gravy mix.  It comes in a red pkg and is found with all the pot roast seasonings, taco seasonings and other gravies.
*optional*  I also cooked up eggs to put on top of our chuckwagon wheels to make this an even heartier meal.

Sift together all dry ingredients.  Cut in shortening with a pastry blender until it looks like coarse crumbs.  Pour milk in all at once.  Mix quickly with a fork until dough follows around the bowl.  Do not over mix!  Dough will be sticky.  Dump dough out onto a well floured board and knead lightly 6 to 10 times and dough is smooth.  You may have to add a bit more flour to keep dough from sticking.  Roll out to a rectangle shape about 1/4" thick.  Spread one can of hash over the dough.  Sprinkle the cheese on top of hash.  Roll up and slice 1" thick.  Bake at 425 degrees for 10-12 mins. 

While these are baking, I cook my eggs and make up my gravy.  When the wheels are done, I serve them with the eggs on top and then pour the gravy over them.  These are so quick n easy.  My family really enjoys this new found recipe and I hope that your family will too.

These also can be made without the hash, cheese, gravy and eggs.  Just for biscuits--this recipe has been around apparently for over 40 yrs.  hint-hint- that's when you know it's real good!  You also can make the Country Roll-Ups version which is basically the same idea only sweeter.  You make it with butter, cinnamon, and sugar. 

I want to thank the oldfarmhousecookingblogspot for these delicious recipes.  You can find them here:  http://oldfarmhousecooking.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2009-11-06T17:52:00-06:00&max-results=7&start=28&by-date=false

Before I let you all go, I appreciate all of you for stopping by to see what's coming next.  Thanks for the support and I really do enjoy the comments.  So, if you are out there peeking in please feel free to drop a note to me.  I would really love to hear from you all.  And then for my part- I will try to get back to you as well.  I haven't done so well yet not because I am too busy.  Noooooo but, because I am still trying to figure this darn computer out and how to blog, how to add pictures (without having a meltdown because they all loaded sideways and I had no idea how to fix that)LOL!  Long story short I am still learning so please bear with me.  Thank you for your patience.

And I also wanted to send out a huge THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! to Samantha, my niece.  If not for her, none of this would be happening (and if it somewhat did-  all your photos would be posted sideways)!   So thank you again Samantha for helping me sooooooo much. 

Have a wonderful day all.  I am off to hopefully finish my eggs that I have been working on.........all 60 of them.  That's for another day soon!!

Warm primitive blessings to you all!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Hey everyone. 
First off, the weather here today is gorgeous.  Hooray for Spring!!!!!!!!  Don't you just love the way spring makes everyone smile, and just plain feel happier?  I think it brings such a feeling of hope and happiness to all.  Of course the warmer weather, the sun shining , and the days being longer------who wouldn't be happier with all that, right?!

Anyway, so now I am going to go way off track from spring with the project that I have tried and finished.  I apologize for this.  Sorry!!!!!  It's just that he looked sooo cute and fun to make that I just had to do it. 

So, my niece and I both decided that we would each make a Christ Mouse that I had seen the tutorial for a little while ago.  We took some pics and I will post those on here as well as where the tutorial came from. This project was easy, fun, and we just loved the end result.  Bonus:  we both have a great new prim Christmas decoration for next year already----and you can too!!!!  This craft was explained with very good directions and easy to follow.  I would highly recommend this to all!  And, it is even better if you make one with a friend.  All crafting is better that way.  

this one is mine

this is mine totally finished with rusty bell and spanish moss

tried to get a close-up with both of them

again this is the both of them

this one is Samantha's

here they both are

Did you happen to notice the adorable little patch that Samantha put on hers.  I think that was an awesome addition to her little hat.  The day that we crafted my bells were not totally rusted yet so that is why we did not have photos of the two of them complete.  I also did not have any spanish moss but, thanks to a good friend (you know who you are) I got some the next day.  Gotta love the friends we have.  Especially the prim ones!!!!!!  

Okay so the blog that I got the tutorial from is here:

I would only make one suggestion on this tutorial.  That would be when you are making the ears for the mouse.  I would hot glue a little dab on the bottom of the piece for the ear and squeeze to form the shape that you want and then glue the ear onto the head.  When we tried to do ours it got to be a little tricky and messy with the glue, shaping the ear and trying to stick it to the head all at the same time. You may not have any trouble but, that was the only part of this that we had a little difficulty with.  I hope that this will help to motivate anyone out there that might have thought they couldn't make anything because they "aren't crafty enough".  I say no such thing as not being crafty enough.  These were a great project to start with. 

Anyway, I need to get going now.  Just to let you all know, I will be back in season with some new crafts and projects soon.  Make sure to check in tomorrow for my Temptation Tuesday.  Have a great night all.

Prim blessings to you all!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Temptation Tuesdays

I wanted to start a special day of the week for a recipe day.  I was trying to be a  little different than the other gals blogs.  That being said, I decided tuesdays would now become "TEMPTATION TUESDAYS".   I know......sounds delicious right?   Well let's hope that I can deliver.  This recipe is for a special request from my special follower.  You know who you are!!!!!   This recipe has been around for quite sometime but, I think that it is one we all sometimes forget about.  This is the perfect time of year to remind you of it.  My sister was the first one to introduce it into our family and we have enjoyed it for many years.  So here is:


1 yellow cake mix
Cook as directed in a 13x9 pan

While cake is still warm poke small holes all over the top of the cake (we have used small paint brush ends, forks. cake testers, you get the idea, right?!). 

2 sm pkgs. orange jell-o dissolved in 1 1/2 cups boiling water
add 8 oz. orange pop

Now pour pop mixture over warm cake

While cake finishes cooling make frosting

1 Lg container cool-whip
1 sm box vanilla instant pudding mix
1 1/2 cups milk

Add milk into pudding mix well then fold in your cool whip.  Now you can frost your cake.  I cover mine with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours.  This is so delicious after it has absorbed all the flavors into the cake.  It makes a gel in places.  And the frosting is so light and fluffy.  Makes me tempted to go make one right now. 

note:  this can also be made with other flavors of pop and jell-o too!  ex: grape jell-o n pop or strawberry jell-o n pop or be creative and mix n match a few flavors. 


I also wanted to let you all know that I have been doing a little bit of crafting and I will be trying to post some pics and let you see how they have all turned out.  My niece came over and we crafted a cute little Christmas mouse.  I know---everyone wants to jump into spring which is fine .  If I want Christmas crafts done though I am a huge procrastinator so I need to start now.  Don't laugh---really it's not funny.  It's kind of sad.  Oh alright go ahead n laugh.  It really is sad though. 

Well I must get going but I will try to get on within the next couple of days to start showing some of the crafts that I/we have been working on.  Have a great day wherever you are.

Warm primitive blessings