Thursday, March 15, 2012


Good day all! 
I hope that you all are having a good day.  I have been.  I woke up this morning to snow on the ground.  What the heck?!  I thought spring had sprung.  Oh well we all know that it is on it's way.  By Monday they are saying that we will be near or in  the 70's.  What!!  It's crazy, welcome to Maine.  LOL 

So, today I had a chance to finish up my little "Easter Rabbit".  I think that he looks so adorable.  This was such a quick n easy project.  It was made up in no time.  I had purchased a shelf for my sister at the Goodwill store and there was a wooden bunny attached to it.  Sorry I did not realize at the time that I would be blogging or I would had of taken an original picture of it.  I popped it off the shelf and then repainted it trying a couple of techniques that I had recently seen----obviously they did not turn out as well as I had planned or you would have already seen them, right? yeah!  Anyway after painting it, I also was working on an egg tutorial that I had seen.  And just like that the light bulb went off---shocking I know.  I decided that I wanted to try to do the rabbit the same way as the eggs.  The eggs are what I wanted to show you first but, they are not done with all the stages yet!  First off because I am slow and second because I am greedy and felt the desire to need to make more than just 10 or 12 of the cute little buggers, I had to make 60!!!!!!!!!!!  Yeah, now you're starting to get to know the real  me! LOL.

Back to the rabbit.  So, this is the first picture I have of him with just the paint:

I felt like he needed a totally different look.  This just wasn't working for him.

 So, this is when I decided to cover him in pieces of brown paper bag and mod podge.  That stuff is amazing and lots of fun.  Messy but, fun.  Alright so this is what he looked like after the strips of brown bag and mod podge: 

Is he cute or what?????   I know, right!  Look at that adorable tail.  Now, if you think that this is cute wait till you see the next pictures.  After this step, I painted him brown and basically just left him.  I did accessorize him with a few little pieces but not too much.  Here he is now

This picture looks a little fuzzy.  Sorry about that.  I wrote out his tag freehand and I think it came out pretty good.  Anyway, this is him lying flat so that I could try to get a good photo of how chunky he looks.  To me he looks like a nice chocolate bunny that I would love to dive into.  How about you? 

This here is just another shot to show you how wide he is.  He is about 1 1/2".

Here he is along with three of my unfinished eggs that I will be sharing with you as soon as I finish them.  I will tell you though that I got the eggs tutorial off "White Sheep Farms Blogspot".  I will be putting her link up here as soon as I finish the eggs.

This is my table centerpiece for now.  I made the cute Easter feed jar as well.  That will be on here soon too.

Forgot this photo.  It's just a close up of my tag.  Sorry, but I am so proud of it.  (like you didn't notice) 

I hope that you enjoyed this.  I sometimes get a little long winded.  What I wanted to tell you, is that when you see a tutorial like the ones for the eggs.  Think outside the box on that even.  When I got to the stage that they are at right now all I could think of, was how adorable a rabbit would be like that.  So, I had nothing to lose and look at him.  I think that he is wonderful.  If you try this or something different I would love to see it.

I copied the pattern of my Easter rabbit and have it here below for any of you who would like to try one of these for yourself.  I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

I am hoping that I put this on here right and you can get it okay.  If anyone has problems please let me know and I will get my technical advisor (Samantha) over here to help me fix it so that you can get it.

Primitive blessings to you all!


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