Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Good morning everyone!

I hope that all is well with you.  I have been a little busy so I have not had time to post much.  Sorry!  I did want to get this recipe out to you all before Easter.  This is a family favorite.  We have this at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.  It is easy to prepare ahead of time and tastes great.  At least, we think so.  I hope that you all try it and give it a shot too!!

Anyway, here it is:


1 large ham----I use a Cook's Ham butt.  Cook's ham is the brand that I use and my mom told me that the butt is the better tasting part.  Who'da thunk it!LOL!!!!!
1 can sliced pineapple
1 green pepper, sliced
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp corn starch
3/4 cup vinegar
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/4 teas ginger
1 chicken bouillon cube
1 jar cherries

The first thing that I do is, take two pieces of aluminum foil the same length, and you want them to be long enough to fit in your pan and wrap around your ham.  You lay one piece flat on top of the other and fold a seam down the long side of the foil.  You will want to fold this over at least three times.  This will help it to seal in all the juices and steam.  I usually have to add a third piece of aluminum foil and do the same thing.  Make another seam down the other side.  Now I open the foil up and it should be 3 wide.  I then carefully, (without poking a hole in it) gently push it down in the bottom of my pan.  When that is done I put my ham in the foil, in the pan and leave it open to pour the toppings on. 

Drain pineapple, pouring the juice into a 2 cup measure.  Add water to pineapple juice to make 1 1/4 cup of syrup.  In saucepan, combine sugar, cornstarch, pineapple syrup, vinegar, soy sauce, ginger and bouillon.  Bring to boiling, stirring constantly.  Boil for 2 minutes.  Remove from heat and add cherries and their juice.  Put pineapple rings and pepper rings on and around ham.  Pour the syrup all over the ham.  (If you have an injector----inject this juice into the ham---delicious)!!!  Wrap the foil in another seam tightly.  An close the ends as well. 

I normally cook mine at a low temp about 300 from about 7:00 am until around 11:00 am. or so.  It doesn't have to cook that long but all those flavors really melt together. 

HINT:  I prepare my ham the evening before and refrigerate it overnight so that all I have to do is pop it in the oven in the morning when I am ready for it.  This takes alot of the stress out of cooking a big holiday meal. 

I hope that you all get a chance to try this soon!  I know that we will be.  And on that note I need to get going now.  I have to go pick up my Easter groceries. 

I hope that you all have a great day today.  Hopefully I will be able to get  back tomorrow and share some goodies with ya.

Warm primitive blessings to you all,

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