Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Gift and The Back Window

Hello everyone and Happy Thursday to all.  Yes, it's almost Friday, woo hoo! I wanted to show a few quick photos and send out a special thanks to my very dear friend Nancy.  Last night when Nancy came, she brought a gift to me for my bday.  She bought me this awesome gift below.  I have seen them but had never purchased one for myself even though it would have been sooooo handy many a times.  That being said here's a photo of the gift and I Thank-You again Nancy.  I absolutely LOVE it.  I am only having a hard time deciding which project I will store in it to take with me now!  LOL!!!!
I am sure that many of you stitchers out there have one of these for yourself and I bet you just love it.  I can't wait to fill mine.  Here's a look at the inside before I fill it with all my goodes:
Pretty sweet and it will be so handy on days when I take sis to doctor tomorrow!!  Perfect timing Nancy, thanks again for all you do!

This next picture is of a Goodwill find that I got back in the winter.  I just came across it and decided to re-do it with a quick do over.
Did I say quick do over?  Someone else got the last laugh on that.  Besides who would want to redo this little beauty, right?!  Actually, someone put alot of hard work into this thing.  I think maybe it took me longer to pull those little bees off of it than it did to put them on.  My husband laughed at me.  It truly was amazing how they wound the ribbon so tight into the little screen holes.  It amazed me anyway.
The new and improved version, to me anyway.  This is a big shoo fly screen.  I was elated to get it for .99 and then it was half off that color ticket if I remember right.  It did end up taking quite a beating though with me trying to remove those darn bees.  It just makes it looked used and even older, yeah, that was exactly what I was trying to do with this.  All of those bends were done intentionally.......of course they were!  And I'm stickin to it!  LOL!

Aside from that I have just been pretty much watching my dining room window television.  And this was what show I was watching:
Do you see all three of them?  They are not the only ones there though.  Keep looking at the next photo:
Do you see Chippy?  I just love him to pieces.  He's so cute.  I always think that he is a snake in the grass when I first spot him.
How do you like my screen door?  It leads from the dogs backyard fence area into my little bird or should I say critter sanctuary.  I love this so much.  Some people would probably not care for it but, for me it is AWESOME!!!!!   It is so relaxing watching all the beauties out back.
This little guy here we call Lil Red.  He is almost as busy as Chippy.  If I don't open my bag of sunflower seed soon enough they both end up chewing a hole in the bag and basically I watch them "dumpster dive" in and out of the bag until I fill the feeders.
While hubby was working I went junking on the sides of the field and found some of these great porcelain bowls with rust holes in them.  I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them at the time.  Then I decided they would make great bird...err critter feeders.  Hubby drilled a couple more drainage holes in the bottom of the bowls and I went to Wal mart and got a plant hanger chain kit in the hardware department for about $4.00.  The kit came with the three chains, three small s hooks, one large s hook and the screw to put in the top.  It was awesome.  The best little flying dinner bowl that these guys have ever seen.  Around here that is.  LOL!
This is the other end of the little critter playground.  My husband had made me an old wall to separate one of our larger rooms into two.  We had the two that you see in this photo with the windows in them and we had the screen door in between.  It looked really cool.  But, like everything after you look at things for so long you want to have change.  So, we took the wall down and put it against a wall in the office for a few years.  (Yes, I said Years)!  I finally had a thought after seeing some garden arbors.  And voila!  I like the rough wood, and things done with what we have on hand.  And that is what makes our critter playground so perfect.

I hope that you enjoyed the pictures as much as I was enjoying watching them.  We also have alot of Hummingbirds and off to the left of this picture is another post which houses the Blue birds nest and I believe that she has eggs in there now.  They are very protective of the house right now.

At some point this summer I would really like to transform this area with some mulch on the base and alot of beautiful flowers.  I doubt that it will happen due to the fact that my to do list grows bigger and bigger each day.  I just am not sure what gets the attention first any more.  The same goes for all of us I know.  Never enough time in a day to get everything accomplished is there?  I am just thankful that I get to wake up each morning and try to start crossing things off the list.

I hope that you all have had a nice day today and get to spend the evening with your family maybe watching the same channel that I am.  That critter station is pretty entertaining.  LOL!!

Warm primitive blessings to you all.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Dyann! It looks super awesome! Cant wait to see ya... School gets out Monday then to upward Bound On the 24th So we should do something before then.. Love ya lots
