Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Hey everyone.  I am so sorry that I missed yesterdays post.  My bad for sure.  I have been gone forever it seems.  I am trying to get straightened out but every time I take a step forward it seems like I go back two.  You all can relate I know.

So, Monday was the hubs and my 13th Anniversary.  Hooray!!!!!  We didn't do much but, we didn't have to.  Sometimes that is even better.  When he got home from work he brought these in:
The picture doesn't show how beautiful the package was itself.  But, this here shows how beautiful the inside was:
Just look at all those beautiful bright colors!!!
Aren't they gorgeous?

I am not a florist by any stretch of the word but, I think they came out pretty good in the vase.  I couldn't just throw away the purple ribbon either, I had to put it to use as well.

When I got the mail today I received my order from JD Conwell for my black walnut ink.  She gave great directions on how to use it and she even gave a sample of what it looks like on  tags.  It's awesome.  I have only used the coffee/tea solution on all my stuff so this should be an interesting venture.  I will try to keep you up to date.
The picture doesn't do justice for the tag but, in person it looks amazing!  I think that I will be very pleased with this.

Okay now for yesterday, I had to go have a tooth pulled and if you have had one pulled before you know how I felt.  Unfortunately blooging was not top on my list.  It took me over 4 hours to find my tongue.  LOL!!!!  Believe me, I had to ask hubby if they had cut it out I couldn't find the thing in my mouth anywhere.  Lucky for him, he had a nice quiet day.  But, I am starting to come back around today.

Next I decided on a recipe for a cake my mom always made growing up:


2 c flour
1 1/2 c sugar
3 1/2 teas baking powder
1 teas salt
1/2 c shortening
1 c milk
1 teas vanilla

Mix above ingredients and then add;
4 egg whites

Pour into non stick sprayed pan or pans and bake on 350 for 35 minutes.


3 1/2 c powdered sugar
6 Tbsp butter, softened
Mix together and then add;
1 heaping Tbsp peanut butter
1 teas vanilla
1/4 c milk

This is delicious.  I hope that you all enjjoy.  I have to go now my supper is beeping in the oven.  Hopefully I will be back tomorrow.  Not promising anything.LOL!!

Warm primitive blessings.


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