Thursday, June 28, 2012

Quick Craft

Hi everyone. 

I know, don't pass out.  Two days in a row?!  Well, I wanted to show you all a quick finish that I had made last week while I was MIA. LOL!!

I had gone onto Pamela's blog at:  and went under her tutorials for a quick fun craft.  I made the Colonial sugar cones.  These were probably one of the quickest crafts to whip up that I have done so far.  The longest part was the two to three days of drying.  But, the actual hands on was short and sweet (literally, that brown sugar is tasty).  Here are a couple of photos of how mine turned out.
Sorry that it is blurred.  I wanted to show you a close-up.  Guess that wasn't such a great idea.
I like this photo much better than the first.  I think that this came out pretty good.
This was the other one that I did.  I really like this one too.  And, I naturally had to try to write out different tags for them.  I couldn't decide which one I liked the best so I decided on both. 

Okay so, just a few tips for these that you might find helpful:

     1) Make sure that you only use 3/4 of your brown sugar when you mix in your water like the directions say to.  If you add too much water (like I did) you will have more sugar to add to your mix to dry it out.  In the end I ended up using all of my brown sugar.  Well, everything but what I ate!

     2) When you are putting the mix in your cup.  If it doesn't come out because it is too sticky, rinse your cup out and wipe it dry before you try it again.  I kept refilling mine and it wouldn't come out.  I couldn't figure out what was wrong.  Then I finally thought about how sticky and moist the inside of the cup must be.  I decided to wash it out and dry it and try again.  This time it worked.  I really got frustrated while trying to figure this out so, hopefully I can save you a little aggravation. 

     3) I bought my weird shaped glass at the Goodwill for a buck and I had the other glass from McDonald's (hubbys Shrek glass).  The next time you go to Goodwill keep in mind the different shapes of sugar cones that you might want to create.

I hope that you give these a try.  I found these to be fun and really add alot of character to your cupboards, tables and centerpieces.  Bonus:  these are totally edible,  just sugar and water.  Yummy!

I have more to share but, I have to go now.  Hopefully tomorrow.  I will try to shock you all and blog 3 days in a row.  Just don't hold your breath on it.LOL!  I always have the best of intentions but, you never know what might come up and throw a kink in  my plans. 

Warm primitive blessings to you all.


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