Sunday, May 6, 2012


Hello everyone.  Sorry I have been gone for almost a week.  It seems like it's been even longer than that.  Good news though.........I'm baaaack!  That was the only warning that you're going to get.LOL!  So, the weather here today was way better than it has been.  It wasn't exactly warm but, the sun was out!!!  Hooray!!!!  That just makes all the difference in the world. 

Anyways, today er... tonight, I have a project for ya.  This is just something small that I came up with.  I hope that you like it.  I think that these little beauties came out primtastic.  Okay, so I have looked in some of my junkin' shops for old soaps and toiletries to try and decorate in my bathrooms.  I haven't been very successful and when I do find something it's usually more than I want to pay.  I am a tightwad.  And not ashamed to admit it.  Well a little while ago I started saving my empty boxes from my bar soaps. 
My pictures are all blurry tonight.  You get the idea though, right?!  So, I figured why couldn't I make my own little vintage soap boxes.  Come to find out, I can!  Ya Hoooooo!  The best part is, it only took the stuff that I already had around the house.  Not to mention this little project literally took just minutes to do.  All you need is: 

empty bar soap box(es)
paper bag  (you can use Kraft paper instead)
mod podge (best stuff ever created for my opinion)
printer to print out vintage labels

I know that's a heavy duty project list.  Seriously that's it!   Probably someone has done something like this somewhere else but, I haven't come across it.......yet!  I needed a quick project to put on here and I didn't have time to look for something and make it.  That's what gave my old boxes new life. 

The first thing that you do is obviously mod podge the end of your box shut.  Next you cut your paper bag and wrap your box like it is a present, with the paper bag.  Then you seal it with the mod podge.  Seal the ends of it as well.  When you are done it should look like this:
That was difficult right?  I know!  Now once that you are at this step you need to find yourself a vintage soap advertisement or any toiletry advertisement.  I found mine at:  When I went on there I just typed in to search:  vintage soap advertisements.  They had quite a few, alot of soaps from Paris.  These two that I used were Pears Soap.  I loved the looks of these.  I was also trying to hurry so these were the only two that I selected for tonight.  There are many graphic sites out there.  I am sure you can find tons of others.  These are also free graphics, which helps to make this project even better!  When you select your graphic, I printed mine out as wallet and they fit almost perfectly.  One of them was missing a little of the top of the ad but I just tore around the outside edges all they way around it.  It made it look like that's the way I got it.  Once you print out the graphic, trim it to size or tear the edges to make them rough.  Then you can mod podge the top of the face of your box and lay your label on carefully.  Once it is on and dried apply another coat of your mod podge over the top of your advertisement to help seal it.  It should look like these:
I told you that my pictures came out real blurry tonight.  Sorry about that.  Don't you love it though?

I tried to get a close-up so that you could see what the advertisement said.  I guess you are just gonna have to go and make some for yourself in order to find out.  I really tried.
This is another great photo by moi!  I wanted you to see both of the advertisements.  This one was also by Pears Soap.  I loved that they both were by Pears. 
Again, I tried to get a close up picture for ya.  That didn't work so well either.
This picture shows them a little bit better, not much.  I wanted to show them together so you could see how neat they are as a set.  I cannot wait to put them in my bathrooms.  I need to search out more advertisements so that I can have a variety.  These would be neat to give as a gift to a prim friend as well.  They are so inexpensive and not time-consuming at all, you could make them up for all your friends. 
And, I tried to get one last photo for ya.  Maybe they came out this way because I took them at night.  I don't know.  I am definitely NOT mechanically inclined. 

Well, I hope that you all enjoyed this little goodie.  I had fun making them.  Like I said, they were quick, easy and cheap.  And look at the reward after you're done!!!  I love them and I hope that you all do too. 

If anyone finds any neat advertisements I would love to hear from ya and be able to link everyone else to them as well. 

I hope that you all have an awesome evening.  I won't be on tomorrow.  I will be gone most of the day but, I will definitely be back on...........TEMPTATION TUESDAY!  Not sure what it's going to be yet.  Probably a sweet for this week.  But, you never can be too sure so make sure to check back and see. 

I also am dedicating this blog to a certain little someone who said she had been checking my blog and I hadn't been on and I needed to.  She has been waiting for me to put something new on and I hadn't.  So, Miss Samantha..........this one's for you.  Love ya girl!!!

Warm primitive blessings to you all.


1 comment:

  1. Well then, I think this is very cool, now you just need to get your bathroom done all nice and make some primitive soap to go next to it!
