Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Hello everyone.  Welcome May 1st and hopefully better weather on the way.  Yes, another rainy, dreary day here.  They said that we needed the rain.......I am just not sure exactly how much rain we needed!  It seems like it just doesn't want to stop.  And after the downpours that we got last week, I think that we have had enough.  Yeah, like I have any say in what Mother Nature has planned for us.  LOL!

Well it is that time of the week again and I almost forgot.  I know, I know.....shame on me.  It has just been kind of crazy here.  Same as for everyone else, I know.  Anyway, I did remember.  So, the recipe for today I thought might be nice for a soup.  Where it is cold and damp outside a nice soup to warm everyone up would be good.  Especially for the ones that work outside all day in the rain like my hubby does.  Sometimes in this weather he comes home just chilled through and can't warm up.  There's nothing like a hot bowl of soup and some warm bread to do the job.  So, I know that there are probably many versions of this soup but, my mom is a great cook and always has been.  She would just go to the cupboard and throw stuff in a pot or casserole and make or supper.  She has always had a knack for doing that.  There usually aren't alot of measurements, it's more like dump some of this in and add a little of that.  The meals were always amazing.  I can appreciate them more now as an adult.  Where as a kid I was a picky eater.  I drove my mother crazy..........Sorry Mom!!  I eat well now...unfortunately!LOL!  So, in the end I have learned that you can create anything you want out of anything you have.  It's kind of like everything primitive that you repurpose.  You kind of have to think outside of the box and just work with what you have.  You can create some amazing meals just trying to play around with what you have. 

Anyway, the recipe for today is:


1 pkg onion soup mix
2-3 cans of stewed tomatoes
2-3 c water
4 beef bouillon cubes
1 lb hamburg
1 lg onion, chopped
1 can manwich sauce
4 carrots, sliced
1/2-1 cup of noodles (use any that you have on hand, I have used just about all of them, even spaghetti noodles snapped into inch long pieces works)

I have also added a bag of fresh spinach to this,summer squash and zucchini, mushrooms,  put anything that you like in it.  This is a very versatile soup.  Make it your own.  You can add more or less of the ingredients above too.  I usually add more onions (I love onions) and add some garlic too!  With the hamburg, I form it into little balls and just drop them in and let them cook a while.

This is the hard part:  put it all in a kettle; except for the noodles,  and let it cook all day on low or for a few hours till the hamburg is done.  About 1/2 hour before serving drop in the noodles and let them cook. 

When it is done sometimes I serve with a dollop of sour cream or a sprinkle of shredded cheese.  This is delicious with a light salad and some biscuits or bread. 

I hope that you all try this and enjoy it.  I think I need to go start making mine now.  I would love to hear how you made yours and what you thought of the recipe. 

Maybe tomorrow I will have some photos of projects or project done.....not sure at this point. 

Warm primitive blessings to you all.


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